Advice to NICKYBOY RE: Pulling In Ibiza



I found this on another board and thought it might be helpful ;) :D

"He's a tw@t, widnae waste ma time on the bloon.
Right Lairdo, pump anything that talks tae yi!
Talk to them and then talk to somebody else then somebody else.
talk to all available women, especially ones from your apartment
block as they can be found at the bar pished at the end of the night
if they haven't pulled so always best to go back and check the hotel bar
before it closes and then head back to the club if no joy.
No problem for me as i was usually gawn back for a puff!
Dont be shy to try and get it from the pool, have some columbo in the
apartment at all times as you can entice women up fae the pool
with this, during the day is a prime time to do them on the balcony in
front of the whole hotel, i did this and she screamed so much
some of the ither women thought i was a beast and wanted it,
i had got her wasted first though.
Do not go for all the leggy skinny good looking birds, its highly unlikely to pull
these birds as they are looking for guys wi 6 packs n'that,
you are wasting your time, there are plenty of good looking short birds with
little self esteem having danced next to these birds!
Aim for these birds who have gorgeous pals and are still good looking
they want to ride yi just cos you've came straight over and spoke to them
instead of their friend, be stand offish with the gorgeous friend and then
you have the chance of her clambering for it especially if they are not great friends.
Once your one goes to the bar or bog speak to this friend to gauge the interest but
dont jeopardise the wan you have already snared.
If you should decide to walk away from one of these birds your doing well with
make sure you hang around the same place for a while, then you get the
"i thought you liked me speech" which is basically a desperate cry for the boaby,
after a few pacifying words,just say, do you want to get out of here, dont try to
ride her yet though, get a bit frisky wi her outside somewhere secluded and then
try to get back to her bit.
Do not be shy to leave early with any bird, you can always bone them and leave,
try to use their apartment if possible cos you dont want her knowing where you
stay in case she becomes possesive and wants a holiday romance.
I had a bird get my key from behind the desk and she was waiting for me when
me n gaston went back to the room wi a pair of women, this lost me the wee bird
i was dying to ride.
(Incidentally let it be known that this wee bird believed me
that i wasn't riding the bird in my room and invited me down to Leeds for the
boaby as she was leaving the next day, unfortunately she gave gaston her number
too and he told her i was riding that other bird and blew it, he also visited
her in Leeds and i think did the job himself!!! He told me this when we were
both wasted and i cant quite remember the full story, he now denies it.
Friends like that lairdo eh??? A master stroke that can only be appreciated
as far as i am concerned although i wouldn't tell him!)
Remember you are in Ibiza, there is no place for holiday romances,
its for boning!!! Be strong and hunt them after you've shot yir whack!
Go for it Lard, dont let the side down now, yir holes yir hole remember!!
Will yir phone work ower there?
Have a great time and i'll speak to yi soon."

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I bet there's juice loose aboot his hoose!

I'm suprised they didn't print his holiday exploits in that Ibiza section in The Sun! Him and that slapper would be a match made in heaven. Did I say heaven, I meant Romford.
The Fox said:
I bet there's juice loose aboot his hoose!

I'm suprised they didn't print his holiday exploits in that Ibiza section in The Sun! Him and that slapper would be a match made in heaven. Did I say heaven, I meant Romford.
oh dear oh dear!!

whats the betting this freak show didnt get laid once!...

which site did this come from!?!?!
wimpers said:
Can someone translate that piece for the non english speaking crowd?
Basically, it says that if you're a real jerk and aim for the uglier girls in the West End then you're certain to bring someone home to have sex with. There's also a cautionary tale about letting the girl know where you live (he suggests going back to her room) and sharing girls with friends.
Hi guys!

I actually printed the advice on pulling and popped off to San An for a good old "crack at the whip!"

It actually worked! I swear it. I pulled 5 birds in 5 nights. All were extremely nice girls who wanted to wait and see how the relationship developed. They thought and I thought it may lead to something more deep and meaningful.



2 pumps and a squirt!!! ERrrrrr, byeeeeee!!!!

If the person was a Scottish Smackhead then I doubt he'd have a computer to write on. It would have been sold for Tennants Super or "Broon" years ago. Or maybe for both!

:lol: :lol: :cry: :lol:
jeembo said:
Hi guys!

I actually printed the advice on pulling and popped off to San An for a good old "crack at the whip!"

It actually worked! I swear it. I pulled 5 birds in 5 nights. All were extremely nice girls who wanted to wait and see how the relationship developed. They thought and I thought it may lead to something more deep and meaningful.



2 pumps and a squirt!!! ERrrrrr, byeeeeee!!!!

If the person was a Scottish Smackhead then I doubt he'd have a computer to write on. It would have been sold for Tennants Super or "Broon" years ago. Or maybe for both!

:lol: :lol: :cry: :lol:

PMSL :lol: :lol: