advice needed. Ta!x


New Member
I know this topic comes up time after time (..sorry!. :( .), but we really need some help! My mate Selina & I ( both just 18 ) are going to Ibiza for the first time on Saturday 16th - Saturday 23rd August.. and we need as MUCH advice as possible about anything & everything! Especially which nights to go to certains clubs etc..

Ask a question and i'm sure myself or others will help.

What music/djs are you into and the people can recommend nights to go to.

also what kind of holiday you are looking for, budget etc etc
mon -cocoon @ amnesia
tues- space with coxy, if hes not on, underwater @ pacha
wed - subliminal @ pacha
thurs- cream @ amnesia , or ministry @ pacha
fri - pure pacha
sat - hed kandi @ el devino
sun - space , followed by dc10 or,.... defected @ el devino

check out this link:

It has people from the boards fave clubs nights, hope its useful!


We love Sundays at Space (8am Sun - 6am Mon) was wicked.

Mondays Manumission at Privilege - but costs a bit more but they have a kind of wierd story thing and loads of dancers and acrobats and stuff - plus it is absolutely MASSIVE - I got lost a couple of times - but I also drank the tap water and was a little bit ill - (they charge 5 quid - 8 euros for the smallest bottle of water in the world)

Wednesday - Subliminal at PAcha is supposed to be good, or Lashed at Eden (HARD House with Lisa Lashes as resident)

Thursday - Cream at Amnesia - but go earlier (About 11) to catch Tiesto as we only caught the end of his set (we went about 2.30) and then Mauro Picotto was on who in my opinion at least you can't dance to or ANYTHING) PVD is on quite regularly though I think and he should be good.

Fridays - Dave Pierce - euphoria at Eden

Have fun x
monday-west end trops with dj brian playing live 8 hour set

tueday-daytime-booze cruise finished with a smelly paddle in the water at es paradis and then a mash up at the amsterdam bar with live porn

wednesday-have a quick meal down kfc then get ya arse down to play 2 for a mash up mmmmmm just smell that cheese

thursday-day off chill out on your balcony eating super noodles and watching retched piss heads vomit over the shit stained streets of san an

friday-sunbathe on the beach made of hard sand outside bar m then its a race to down as many shots as ya can in the west end, mind the vomit!!!!!!!!!!!!

saturday-bar crawl pay 50 euros so a rep can take you to the same bars your've been to all week only this time your doing it while wearing a t shirt that says"i went to san an and all i got was this lousy t shirt"

sunday-back home thank god.