Advice for shady agent

New Member
I'd like to ask for some advice in this situation. I found an accommodation, which seems to be a bit below average prices for the area. If I was on the island, I would've been able to just go over and check it out, but flying out to just see it, is a lot bigger investment.
The reason for my suspicions, is the fact that the owner replies with 2 word letters to my emails and had to ask him 3 times if he's the owner of the apartment or an agent, before I received an actual answer. Then when asked to prove his eligibility or give information about the agency, that he's working for, he became emotional.

In the original ad, he was also renting it short term, so I'm not sure if I go over and rent the apartment long term, whether he has not rent the apartment in small chunks throughout the summer already.

I've done a quick background check, and the person exists, but there's no clue anywhere that he's working as a real estate agent. In the initial reply, he wrote to send him the deposit and he'll send the contract, which is a recipe for trouble. What advice would you give me when I go to the island? Even if the apartment matches his description, how can I get proof that he's authorized from the owners to lease it and how to be sure that I won't be forced to move out for a week mid-season?

Thank you for your help.
solution is simple - just do the investment and fly down to see a few apartments and eventually get one. as long as you don't have any close friends on the island who will be able to go and see the places and people for you, you'll never be sure it's for real you see?