absinth great stuff
put in a glass, fill up a tea spoon with suger an absinth. lite it
till the suger burns and you have surpe, before it goes out pure it into
the absinth adn drink it while of fire great.
i got pissed on the stuff, ended up trowing my self backwoards through a window on the third floor of a block of flats on the ballcany saved me.
wicked stuff,, made from wood bark. the stronger and cheaper the better.
put in a glass, fill up a tea spoon with suger an absinth. lite it
till the suger burns and you have surpe, before it goes out pure it into
the absinth adn drink it while of fire great.
i got pissed on the stuff, ended up trowing my self backwoards through a window on the third floor of a block of flats on the ballcany saved me.
wicked stuff,, made from wood bark. the stronger and cheaper the better.