

New Member
Never picked it up on my trips out to Spain but a friend of mine came back singing it's praises. I know Spain is a major producer of it and there are many brands so I know someone going out next week and wanted to know does anyone recommend a certain brand so I can get some brought back home? I have a case already set aside for my trip over in September ;)
having only had one shot in my life and being so drunk from it im gonna be hard pushed to tell you any name or brand of the stuff!
That stuff is .. evil ... :D .. tho my daughter was the first to sample it .. ( she was 14 at the time and at a party .. TUT ) Good for silly games I guess .. but bad for headaches!
excellent for drinking games, i had a brought a bottle back branded absenta it was 80% and it sure did the trick. its extremley nasty. search for absinth in the forum search and there is quite a few posts on it.
From what I have heard, evil stuff indeed :D I have heard some brands have a stronger ansie taste than others, and I think there are quite a few on the market. Also a difference in quality and proof as well no doubt.
I can remember now .. when I was in Ibiza ... they did this local herby type thing .. with plants in the bottle ... anyone any idea what that is called? That was sorta aniseedy!
I remember that stuff too Saffy - but sorry can't remember the name - I think my mate still has a bottle of the stuff so if I find out, I'll post it here.

The Absinth I took back from Malta last year was called "Absenta" and was pretty decent (80% I think) - far, far cheaper than here in UK.
*Saffy* said:
I can remember now .. when I was in Ibiza ... they did this local herby type thing .. with plants in the bottle ... anyone any idea what that is called? That was sorta aniseedy!

That'll be herbas.

We bought a 70% bottle of absinthe over from Ibiza last summer, called 'Absenta Tunel' from a supermarket in Playa Den Bossa. It only cost us a few quid as well. Personally prefer the 50% stuff.

Great in bongs, mind. ;)
mari mayans (makers of hierbas) make the world's best absinthe - that's not me, that is from the international wines and spirits awards, where their absinthe regularly wins prizes.

evil stuff the 70%er, although this year they have brought out a wonderful drink called Tanit which is absinthe based - but a bit like hooch, etc.

tastes gorgeous and can be bought in clubs - really recommend it!

you can read about proper absinthe on mari mayans website

James many thanks for the great info, nice site as well. The 'Tanit' drink u mentioned what size of bottle can u buy that in the shops? And just how drunk does it get u? :lol:
*Saffy* said:
I have a hangover today .... I aint EVER drinking again!

I said that on Thursday morning and managed to break my promise by Friday!

To cure a hangover, you can't beat a bacon roll with brown sauce and a can of irn-bru.
You're doing this on purpose aren't you? My stomach is doing somersaults now! ( groan )
Don't know what stuff we had, but it done a good job of dying the appartment tiles when we spilt a drop.
good stuff.

in spain their appears to be 2 drands of absinth.

the better brand is harbis if that is correct. comes in a bell chaped bottle.

their are 2 types.

their's a 40% volume which is okay if you have not drunk the stuff before
then their is the good stuff.
this is well worht the money this stuff is 70% and does the trick..
me and my mate had a few shots of absinthe in a club in ibiza in 2001 (think it was es paradis, but not certain). he woke up in the middle of a field three miles outside san antonio with no money, and I woke up in one of the medical centres, and got taken back to our hotel in an ambulance! it's pretty potent stuff!!!
Mixer said:
Don't know what stuff we had, but it done a good job of dying the appartment tiles when we spilt a drop.

It makes you wonder what it does to your insides.