A long shot to find somebody called richard,25th - 2nd June, den boss

Yea, I have a similar problem, I bumped into a girl in some place somewhere... she was tallish small with darkish light hair. She never spoke to me, or looked at me... in fact, I may have seen her on a poster, but anyway... any body know where I can find her?

Thanks and regards,

A lonely soul.
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Is this him?

must buy a pair.
This is a total long shot but i was out in Ibiza last week and saw this guy at garlands on wed and cream on thursday. Me and my mate spoke to him at cream when it finished. His name was Richard, he owned a white ibiza rocks belt and was staying near bora bora in den bossa. my mate had a fan at eden and was fanning him and his mate. they spoke with southern accents.

At cream he was wearing white trainers, red t shirt, white ibiza rocks belt, and denim shorts

I would love to find this guy so if you have any clues to who he is let me know!!

Yea, I have a similar problem, I bumped into a girl in some place somewhere... she was tallish small with darkish light hair. She never spoke to me, or looked at me... in fact, I may have seen her on a poster, but anyway... any body know where I can find her?

Thanks and regards,

A lonely soul.

It's called the Ibizan Flu !! Where you've had an amazing holiday, realised how special Ibiza is, you meet someone for 10 minutes, have a connection, but dont get their contact details cuz let's face it you've only met them once. :spank:

Then you get home and the Post Ibizan blues kick in (along with the come down :() , and you're incredibly sad, you may even cry :cry: ?? And you feel like you miss this person, that you really connected.:confused:

Don't worry, you'll get over it !!

We've all been there my friends :lol:
Have we ? I must say I've never tried to track someone down from a holiday where I didn't speak to a person. I find it all completely MENTAL. Either get the balls to talk to a person or walk away and never thing about them again. How mental would it be if you could actually find this person and say "Hi, I saw you from afar in a club in Ibiza and have been tracking you down.".
Yea, I have a similar problem, I bumped into a girl in some place somewhere... she was tallish small with darkish light hair. She never spoke to me, or looked at me... in fact, I may have seen her on a poster, but anyway... any body know where I can find her?

Thanks and regards,

A lonely soul.

Reminds me of that James Blunt tune :lol:
i did speak to him and i just put a post here on a whim
but yeah your right i should have spoke to him for longer.
I met a guy called Richard last year from the Isle of Tiree, blonde hair, wore eyeliner & worked in the westend... nice guy although slightly strange

pointless post, but a thought i would contribute :rolleyes:
I met a guy called Richard last year from the Isle of Tiree, blonde hair, wore eyeliner & worked in the westend... nice guy although slightly strange

pointless post, but a thought i would contribute :rolleyes:

Aww... thats a lovely wee story.

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Have we ? I must say I've never tried to track someone down from a holiday where I didn't speak to a person. I find it all completely MENTAL. Either get the balls to talk to a person or walk away and never thing about them again. How mental would it be if you could actually find this person and say "Hi, I saw you from afar in a club in Ibiza and have been tracking you down.".

How about this then? I a couple months ago an Amercian girl I snogged in a Las Vegas club SEVEN YEARS AGO, tracked me down on MySpace!:eek:
:eek: That is fookin mental :eek:

You must have made a good impression buckers :lol:

(slightly worrying you can remember her also dude ;))

I was pretty profilic that holiday and I had no idea which young lady she was. Once she said which club it was in and said we'd only had a bit of a snog, I was well relieved given that her MySpace has pictures of her kids, two of whom could be about 6 or so!:lol: