A Def Mix cd??


New Member
i have always wondered why these guys haven't released a cd..

with such talents as knuckles, morales, bobby d'ambrosia (sp) and webster
Robo said:
i have always wondered why these guys haven't released a cd..

with such talents as knuckles, morales, bobby d'ambrosia (sp) and webster

Have you got Morales/Rampling Usa/Uk Rob, its about 3 years old now but I still listen to the Morales CD all the time.

Also Knuckles - Choice is quality album.

But agree with what you're saying Rob about no Def Mix CDs, maybe they just don't want to jump on the compilation bandwagon cos some of them do take the pi$$. I buy every Subliminal CD but they're churning them out left right and centre at the mo, I've even got Subliminal Portugal :rolleyes: and my friend just e-mailed me to say Sublimial South Africa is coming out :eek: So in a way I prefer it that the Def Mix boys aren't churning out compilation after compilation.
Elrobbie said:
SAW is a spin off from DefMix, he started off with DefMix.

As is Definity, which Bobby D takes charge of.

SAW is absolute quality - 2 great tracks (though a bit old now):

hollow (mv's tribal fusion mix) - mv


thinking of you - 21st century fux
Our local residents at Shindig, Scott Bradford, Mark Armstrong and Chris are working closely with Satoshi on some stuff, they record under 'Lexicon Avenue', Scott played the SAW party in Miami last year a tore the place up.

Satoshi and Hector Romero guest at Shindig regular.

I'm more into Knuckles and Bobby D and Morales myself but its still good shit.