_____ the consell insular will regulate the boat parties _____

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First complaint of the season against a disco boat in Ibiza

The vessel had no authorization for the activity developed

Writing | ibiza The Civil Guard has reported a vessel which acted as 'party boat' and lacked authorization for the activity developed, and has also put the matter to the attention of the Harbour Master of Ibiza and Formentera.

As reported by the military institution itself, within the services are performed in view of the new summer campaign, the Civil Guard is monitoring the vessels in those celebrated 'party boats.' For this reason, the Fiscal and Border Patrol Civil Guard in Ibiza (PAFIF) came watching a ship called 'Saga' in which trips were made by the Talamanca area and other places on the island, as shown in website in which it is advertised.

During the monitoring board it found that the boat was always a large number of people and sailing with very loud music, which had provoked complaints from others. Therefore, on the afternoon of Saturday the agents awaited the arrival of the vessel to port, being caught with 25 people on board when they were landed at the gas station Marina Marina Botafoch, a banned for landing because of the danger zone It means, with the passage quickly moved to a safe area.

Once the landing and safe commissioning the passage area, the Civil Guard inspected the vessel, checking lacking the certificate of airworthiness, the corresponding clearance and authorization activity, so could not engage in activity that was developing, in breach of the authorization which had been granted in another port of the Peninsula simply moving to Ibiza.

boat parties about to be banned in protected areas like s'espalmador, las salinas, etc. update tomorrow in the periodico...
I don´t think that´s a bad idea to ban,but what about the millions of boats in Formentera?

Formentera is fully shielded against holding party boats around its coastline

Formentera has taken a step against the presence of party boays (boat parties with music) on its coastline
with an amendment by GxF to the Law on Environmental Impact Assessment. This amendment, explained Congresswoman Silvia Tur, clarifies that the party boats are prohibited in all marine protected areas in Balears, which in the case of Formentera are one hundred percent.
In other words, these boat parties with music shall be prohibited in all Formentera not only in the natural park of Ses Salines.


This law, as stated Tur, will approve the next day 21 in an extraordinary plenary session in the Parliament. "Almost a year ago, GxF presented in the Parliament an initiative to ban party boats be extended to all marine protected areas sailors Balears Ses Salines not only in the case of Formentera. At that time unanimously it approved this action. The Govern what he has done is that through the Law on Environmental Impact Assessment 2005, which is now being modified, to include an additional provision that it will do is amend the Law on Environmental Relevance spaces. And GxF introduced an amendment, "said Tur, who stressed that did not like the text drafted by the Government to the effect that" left in the air and allowed some arbitrary criterion when to say if the music bothered or not. He said parties on boats always prohibited and when noise levels significantly altered the protected space. We understood that this was very subjective and made an amendment that has been approved and now is much more restrictive and clearer ". In this sense, the prohibition of boats party was approved yesterday in the commission of Environment and "will be extended to all protected areas of Balears, that the whole community is about 85%, in Formentera 100% and in the case of Eivissa about 80%. "
Silvia Tur said they are satisfied, because it is a claim that drew from "long time" ago. Tur also stressed that the PP yesterday abstained in the vote on this amendment as "voted in favor of the proposition that we have in November."
Tur also stressed that this law not only prohibited the party boats "but also its distribution and marketing."

As for how it is being this season in Formentera with these boat parties, the deputy Sílvia Tur stressed that more "coordination and better organization" in the Civil Guard Sea, which favors you have more control over these boat parties.


The Civil Guard reports a 'party boat' in Formentera
The boat performed this activity in the waters of Ses Salines Natural Park

The agents aboard ship denounced in the port of Savina.


The Civil Guard Sea boarded yesterday a boat moored in the commercial port of La Savina, Formentera, to denounce alleged irregular activity in waters of the Natural Park of Ses Salines, which are prohibited called floating nightclubs or party boats.

Costera''Sa crew, the Civil Guard patrol stationed in the Pitiüses, could see that the said vessel was breaking the rules. He waited until it reached port and when all passengers disembarked, boarded the boat to request all documentation to the captain.

The complaint, administrative, will be forwarded to the Balearic Government to apply the appropriate penalty according to the law of conservation of the spaces of environmental significance (LECO).

In addition to this offense, the Civil Guard sent the Harbourmaster of Ibiza and Formentera two other complaints to verify that the ship was carrying too many people on the upper deck, where there are mounted several Balinese beds. However the boat, in principle, not exceed the capacity passenger has authorized.

Another Captaincy complaints is related to the presence of alcohol stored in the corresponding refrigerators.
The Government has just banned the party boats along the coast of Formentera.


The Civil Guard reports a 'party boat' in Formentera
The boat performed this activity in the waters of Ses Salines Natural Park

The agents aboard ship denounced in the port of Savina.


The Civil Guard Sea boarded yesterday a boat moored in the commercial port of La Savina, Formentera, to denounce alleged irregular activity in waters of the Natural Park of Ses Salines, which are prohibited called floating nightclubs or party boats.

Costera''Sa crew, the Civil Guard patrol stationed in the Pitiüses, could see that the said vessel was breaking the rules. He waited until it reached port and when all passengers disembarked, boarded the boat to request all documentation to the captain.

The complaint, administrative, will be forwarded to the Balearic Government to apply the appropriate penalty according to the law of conservation of the spaces of environmental significance (LECO).

In addition to this offense, the Civil Guard sent the Harbourmaster of Ibiza and Formentera two other complaints to verify that the ship was carrying too many people on the upper deck, where there are mounted several Balinese beds. However the boat, in principle, not exceed the capacity passenger has authorized.

Another Captaincy complaints is related to the presence of alcohol stored in the corresponding refrigerators.
The Government has just banned the party boats along the coast of Formentera.


... due to the approbation of the new law completely banning boat parties from formentera waters, beautiful people ... can't cruise over to formentera anymore ...

Beautiful People Ibiza 2016
I agree with banning boats. I love the tranquil nature of Formentera, even if it is in La Savina anyways.
The Guardia Civil del Mar intervenes12 ships that were partying in Formentera


... a dozen vessels were jointly organizing a massive party at sea. Specifically, the party between these boats took place in the country Trucadors. Patrol Civil Guard Sea was in the scene for more than two hours as the dozen boats had been placed in a circle, so they proceeded to identify those responsible for them.

Apparently, it is a foreign company that organizes sailing trips lasting one week in different parts of the Mediterranean and the rest of the world. In this case, it is a trip along the coast of Ibiza with different scheduled activities including the party at sea held yesterday.
This trip along the coast of Ibiza began last day 20 and was scheduled to end on Saturday and had a minimum price, as reflected on the website of the company, of 1,190 euros per person.

It is recalled that the Civil Guard is carrying out an inspection campaign of party boats in checking, among other things, that meets safety and have all the documentation.

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