6-20th aug 2005

he was spaced out like, asked me if i was scared of/would call his mate a cyberkid. his mate who looked like a bouncer - but wearing spectacles made from glowsticks.
alex311279 said:
fusion said:
A great inspiring review!

We've been in Ibiza more or less on the same time and even attended the same 2 WLS @ Space (7th and 14th of August) and Essential Selection @ Mambo (12th of August).
Too bad we didn't bump into one another, i guess next time ;)

Have a safe recovery period, i'm already found in one for almost a week by now... :eek:

i spoke to you in space during felix the housecat.

I do recall i spoke to you (and 782347423782348 other people) at WLS, i just didn't connect a username to a face, but now i guess do!
And no i wasnt that 'spaced out' that night, was just in a 'good mood' as we call it :D :p

alex311279 said:
he was spaced out like, asked me if i was scared of/would call his mate a cyberkid. his mate who looked like a bouncer - but wearing spectacles made from glowsticks.

And i didn't have any mate wearing spectacles made from glowsticks, i had one wearing spectacles i created which are made from EL light. Anyway this is the mate you are reffering to (with me on he right):


Hmmmmm when coming to think of it - he does look a bit like a bouncer, doesnt he? ;)

Sy said:
I saw you too fusion at spaces birthday but you where twatted i doubt you remember
You saw me there but either you didn't bother approaching to introduce yourself properly, or you just shouted my username ('fusion') without me hearing it. either way i couldn't possibly know it was you as we've already discussed on MSN Messenger.

I do recall though bumping into Theo B, MrSt0ned and a few others from spotlight which gave me some hazy (to me) usernames due to thier lack of writting on these forums.

NEXT.................? :eek:
Kinda hard to refer to him as a cyberKID when considering he's 40 years old and has 2 kids himself :)

The bouncer look-a-like certificate fits him more i guess...
Some of these reviews should be published or at least serialised by a decent Sunday paper, they're so long and detailed! :eek: :lol:

Outstanding review mate. I fly in 24 hours - Hoorah!!!