YIKES!alex311279 said:fusion said:A great inspiring review!
We've been in Ibiza more or less on the same time and even attended the same 2 WLS @ Space (7th and 14th of August) and Essential Selection @ Mambo (12th of August).
Too bad we didn't bump into one another, i guess next time
Have a safe recovery period, i'm already found in one for almost a week by now...
i spoke to you in space during felix the housecat.
alex311279 said:he was spaced out like, asked me if i was scared of/would call his mate a cyberkid. his mate who looked like a bouncer - but wearing spectacles made from glowsticks.
You saw me there but either you didn't bother approaching to introduce yourself properly, or you just shouted my username ('fusion') without me hearing it. either way i couldn't possibly know it was you as we've already discussed on MSN Messenger.Sy said:I saw you too fusion at spaces birthday but you where twatted i doubt you remember