5 things I miss about Ibiza 2011.......................

More importantly, are any of those 5 things actually unique to Ibiza? :?:

I don't know if they are unique as I've never been anywhere else so can't comment but those are the things I enjoy in excess without the worry of having to get up in the morning and go to work. Sorry if I have nothing to offer with more substance but I haven't got to the age where I get aroused over sight seeing yet! I've seen rocks, sunsets, sunrises but none of these compare to music and clubbing for me. Ibiza old town is beautiful but I don't think to myself 'damn I'll miss you' every time I walk back down the ramp. the only thing I really miss other than just Ibiza in general is being able to do all those things I mentioned and not stopping for a whole week! :D
1. The Old space Terrace.
2. Space Discoteca - being completely lost in the music after not sleeping for days
3. Kneeling and swaying in the surf at Bora Bora absolutely twisted after a heavy Space session.
4. Cala salada.
5. That overwhelming sense of belonging and familiarity when you return after not being there for years.
Ahh Thommo you've reminded me of one ... getting up in the morning on Sunday and getting ready to go to Space knowing that it will be rammed AND the music will be good at 11 a.m. I miss that for sure! And here's another - the old Ushuiaia beach bar (what a shame that is). These are things I'll miss that I'll probably never get back.
1. catching up with your holiday friends
2. walking out of the airport and not caring how long the taxi que is
3.the vibe
4. music
5. the clubs
things i miss when i'm not on the island...

...the smell of pine trees
...hierbas ibicencas (even though i always have a bottle at home - it's just not the same here)
...café caleta
...pan y alioli
...amnesia terrace, 5am
...dc10 terrace, 9pm
...pacha rooftop terrace, 3am
...almost all the beaches
...plaza del parque 10am
...torre des savinar for sunset with a bottle of ice cold albariño and some tapas

god i could go on forever!!!
Ahh Thommo you've reminded me of one ... getting up in the morning on Sunday and getting ready to go to Space knowing that it will be rammed AND the music will be good at 11 a.m. I miss that for sure!

Used to love falling out of Manumission at 9am then jumping on a scooter, hammering it down to PDB straight into Space for the carry on. Good times......8)
I'm missing my afternoons going to Cala Nova beach and seeing lots of shaven Sphynx pussy :D
Unfortunately down at our local beach such shaven sunbathing activity is forbidden.

On a more serious note i know what most Spotlighters replies on this topic are saying as i was the same towards Ibiza after my first visit their some 30+ years ago so there's not much point my adding to what's already be written. However you'll find out when you get older the missing Ibiza novelty will probably wear off like it has for myself although i still enjoy holidaying their from time to time but don't now miss the vibrance of the Island 24/7 like in my younger days.

I hope that makes sense?
5. That overwhelming sense of belonging and familiarity when you return

Yup, totally. The second you step off the plane and you feel like your home and you never left.