5 things I miss about Ibiza 2011.......................


Active Member
Watching a plane fly over me every 10 minutes while swimming in the sea

Everybody being friendly and being able to talk to anybody in our hotel(sal rossa)

drinking on the beach before space

Not getting any sleep, not caring, going the supermarket and sitting round the pool with mates drinking without a care in the world.

The weather( obvious 1 but im badlymissing good weather)
Watching a plane fly over me every 10 minutes while swimming in the sea

Everybody being friendly and being able to talk to anybody in our hotel(sal rossa)

drinking on the beach before space

Not getting any sleep, not caring, going the supermarket and sitting round the pool with mates drinking without a care in the world.

The weather( obvious 1 but im badlymissing good weather)


Bring on 2012 :D
I'll add:

The Smell (as soon as you step off the plane)

Handing over ludicrous amounts of money without care.

Waking up at 10:45pm, then deciding what to do of an evening.

Calo des Moro
music,sun,sea,alcohol and naughty sweets which is why I'm going back again next week :D

... and we're still waiting for your reviews, amber-leaf !!

How long are you out there for this time :p ?

Calo des Moro

Seem to end up there at some point at least once every trip regardless of where I stay .. like there's a homing beacon going off. Love it in the early mornings for post-clubbing swims when there's hardly anyone around.

Things I miss about Ibiza - not much, as it pretty much stays with me most of the year. If I close my eyes I can be there any time. It's not the same, sure, but it's enough not to get melancholy.
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  1. How relaxed everyone is
  2. How friendly everyone is
  3. The fact that you don't need Spanish to get by (I'm hopeless with languages)
  4. Being out til 8am most mornings
  5. Not having a care in the world
  6. Eating whatever I want without guilty feelings
  7. Drinking whatever I want without guilty feelings
  8. The Weather
  9. The Music
  10. The beaches
  11. The culture
  12. Space
  13. Amnesia
  14. Privilege
  15. The world famous DJs
  16. The holiday-party atmosphere of the clubs
  17. The lighting and sound of the clubs
  18. Sleeping in all day if I wanted to
  19. Playa Den Bossa
Agree on the money aspect.

Where else would you hand over €30 for 4 small bottles of water and not bat an eye lid? You hand it over as if it is the norm!
More importantly, are any of those 5 things actually unique to Ibiza? :?:

The people
The clubs
The atmosphere

Are the 3 main things that are unique about Ibiza and why I wouldnt go anywhere else in the world for the same sort of holiday.
would it not be easier to write 'drugs' when that is what you mean rather than some euphemism?

I always like to consider whether a child might stumble onto my post therefore unlike many others I don't want to put it out there... Haribo can and will rot your teeth kids :D