10 people die @ loveparade !

I might be wrong but I think they were instructed to do this by officials to avoid a change of mood and outbreak of panic in the crowd.

Many people were unaware it was all going on and I guess it was important for crowd control to keep it that way.
That's the story I heard as well.

One of the artists interviewed on BBC was quite distressed that he had to play on knowing that people had died. Nevertheless, it might have saved lives. :confused:
If some one had taken a microphone and telled, that there's been an accident and 20 people have died, what would have happened? A total panic, propably. All it takes is a small group of people panicing and it's soon a chain reaction that cannot be stopped.

Of course they could have said that there's a problem with the electricity or some other excuse and the thing stops here. Full stop.
I understand 100% why they didnt tell people. They expected half a million and more than double turned up, this is one of the reasons for the crush. If they had told people god knows how many more would have died.

I personally was very upset at the scenes of people scrambling for their lives, of the police holding the fences back as people were getting crushed to death. It remended me alot of Hillsborough :cry:
Of course they could have said that there's a problem with the electricity or some other excuse and the thing stops here. Full stop.

Cue all 1,000,000 revellers making their way towards the single entrance/exit point via the tunnel. Not the best idea.
I cannot understand that how this might have happened? It's mindbogling that they had permists for about quarter or less people that finaly showed up. How hard it is to see, that if theres 1,5 million or so people years before constantly, that this year there cannot be a loads less people, like, a million less? It's amazing. And if you take a look at the prints of the area, anyone in their right minds should see that there might be a problem.

Well, i guess that modern life no one has the balls to say that this is not gonna work. Surely the town administrators cannot say that we cannot handle this, go somewhere else and police propably ever admits that it's not up to the task. Was there really no one in the organisation of LP who could see.
Disaster waiting to happen :x

another young woman (20) died this evening ... now 20 :(


It's horrendous to think how these young people went off to enjoy themselves in a peaceful manner, only for them to die. Horrific.

I wonder what the average age of the deceased are ?

Also there will be many that will be permanently injured from this, with the lack of oxygen due to asphyxiation there will no doubt be people suffering brain damage, aswell as people that will carry the mental scars :cry:
... ps:
all greedy ibizadiscomafiapeople responsible for ridiculous overcrowded parties
(like f.e. thursday in pacha) shut be put in jail if they don´t stop their irresponsible
behavior so they have time to switch on their brain and start thinking ...

I paid €75 a week in advance for my FMIF tickets to go on the 12th Aug,
when we walked in it was like a cattle market!!
My friend who is 5ft nothing had a panic attack as she was completely squashed in it!!
It cant be legal to let that amount of ppl in!!
We left 15minutes later and never saw any of Ghuetta!!!
How are they getting away with this!
when we were leaving at 3am there was still crowds of ppl gettin in!!!

greedy bastards :spank:
they don´t care about the customers - only love the ****ing money !