
I can't be the only one who finds the whole dating thing absolutely terrifying?!
I mean, i'm as outgoing as they come (as those who know me will testify) - I can bull**** with the best of them. Hell, I can even stand up and play records to a room of people I don't know. But the dating game?! Whole different ball game. Turn into a stuttering *****.
I can't be the only one who finds the whole dating thing absolutely terrifying?!
I mean, i'm as outgoing as they come (as those who know me will testify) - I can bull**** with the best of them. Hell, I can even stand up and play records to a room of people I don't know. But the dating game?! Whole different ball game. Turn into a stuttering *****.

Nah, I always loved it. It's an excuse to talk about yourself for hours:lol:

Now I'm coupled up again the only thing I miss is the variety of people you can meet. Hell, the odds of a one night stand with a German satanist, who I'd met on a Sunday night in an Irish Catholic club, happening again are now nil:(
Nah, I always loved it. It's an excuse to talk about yourself for hours:lol:

Now I'm coupled up again the only thing I miss is the variety of people you can meet. Hell, the odds of a one night stand with a German satanist, who I'd met on a Sunday night in an Irish Catholic club, happening again are now nil:(

let's leave that Frankfurt trip out of this....
are you ever gonna meet me for a beer by the way?! You're harder to get hold of than Salmon Rushdie during his Fatwa......


You got my new number? I'll FB message you it. What you got on Saturday, I'll be out and about I think....
I can't be the only one who finds the whole dating thing absolutely terrifying?!
I mean, i'm as outgoing as they come (as those who know me will testify) - I can bull**** with the best of them. Hell, I can even stand up and play records to a room of people I don't know. But the dating game?! Whole different ball game. Turn into a stuttering *****.

But you're coupled up now Stu! Was it the dating thread wot dun it?:p
Offer of another meet. She looks okay, first contacted me, but lives a good hour's drive away.

I'm swaying towards thinking that's too far, especially as she doesn't drive, so if we got off the ground I'd need to go there - probably every weekend to keep a relationship going.

Does that sound picky?

TBH, I consider unnnecessary time spent in cars/trains/planes wasted time. I'd rather meet somone who lives not more than 30 mins away (or a bit longer if we can take turns between places), though attracting females ain't my strong point. :(

Spoke to her on the phone last night, so will need to follow it up soon if interested...