zoo project noahs ark festival...


New Member
can someone tell me the score with the noahs ark festival event on the 12th june if anyone knows please, is it a proper zoo project event or not as ive seen that it says boat party 16:30-21:00 and zoo 18:00-midnight but isnt the zoo normally 16:30-midnight? and what will the ticket prices be? is the full zoo venue open for this? event worth going to would anyone say? and will there be an after party at underground (details?) cheers
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16:30-21:00 and zoo 18:00-midnight but isnt the zoo normally 16:30-midnight? and what will the ticket prices be?

I wouldn't worry about times - the zoo project doesn't get busy until after 7pm anyway.

It's 60 euro for the boat and zoo ticket (with free bus to gala night). This was in August so it might be a little cheaper in June.
yeh but not sure if this is a "normal" zoo event as its before the big opening as they call it so thats what i was wondering and asking!? how much is is just for the zoo sure i only paid 25 euro last year in july
yeh but not sure if this is a "normal" zoo event as its before the big opening as they call it so thats what i was wondering and asking!? how much is is just for the zoo sure i only paid 25 euro last year in july

Come to think of it - it's the actual venue opening party so it probably will be a bit cheaper...
can someone tell me the score with the noahs ark festival event on the 12th june if anyone knows please, is it a proper zoo project event or not as ive seen that it says boat party 16:30-21:00 and zoo 18:00-midnight but isnt the zoo normally 16:30-midnight? and what will the ticket prices be? is the full zoo venue open for this? event worth going to would anyone say? and will there be an after party at underground (details?) cheers

How did you find out about this party on the 12th? I cant seem to find anything about this date??
Im heading out there on the 12th so would be good if we can catch this if its on
Agree with Lew - any details about this would be great, my poor eyes can't seem to find anything!