Young and long haired sasha

Universe June 92 in Newport, best Sasha set ever. The fact that he was hammered and the mixing wasn't 100% spot on just adds to it. Joe Peng is amazing on it aswell.
Universe June 92 in Newport, best Sasha set ever. The fact that he was hammered and the mixing wasn't 100% spot on just adds to it. Joe Peng is amazing on it aswell.

Have to agree.

It's an iconic mix - you'd probably get more £££ for that one than any other mix tape from that era.

Nice and easy lemon squeezy.

The original tape is like gold dust these days, suppose all the old Universe cassettes from that era are.

Another Universe classic - Producer and Tanith at Mind Body & Soul.
Enjoyed that read. Reminded me that I've got the Big Love tape pack somewhere knocking around, the small one with Producer, Colin Dale, Lenny Dee and someone else. Will have to get those tapes ripped for the ipod. Am I right in thinking the Producer tape has got a bit of The Prodigy on the end of it?

One of the best Producer sets of that era was at Helter Skelter around the end of 93 I think, starts off with House Of God. Sublime set with no MC.
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Enjoyed that read. Reminded me that I've got the Big Love tape pack somewhere knocking around, the mall one with Producer, Colin Dale, Lenny Dee and someone else. Will have to get those tapes ripped for the ipod. Am I right in thinking the Producer tape has got a bit of The Prodigy on the end of it?

One of the best Producer sets of that era was at Helter Skelter around the end of 93 I think, starts off with House Of God. Sublime set with no MC.

Not heard it.

...but can raise you Mark EG's Dance Planet debut at the Cornwall Coliseum in '95 - seriously brilliant. 8)
Not heard it.

...but can raise you Mark EG's Dance Planet debut at the Cornwall Coliseum in '95 - seriously brilliant. 8)

Mark EG is a legend, don't think there is a better DJ to see live. He dabbles in playing gabber now :eek: