"Yo DJ" - whats this new tune?


New Member
I heard a new trance tune at the weekend that rocked the whole place!

It had a few spoken vocals in it one being "Yo DJ" and another just something like "Beats" just before a beat was bought back into it from the break.

Any ideas what and by who? I think I remember someone saying it was not the artists first tune (it could possiblely have either been a Dumonde or Darude tune). :?:
does go some thing like...........YO DJ, YO DJ, YO DJ Pump this party and keeps repaeating that?
Saucy Chick said:
does go some thing like...........YO DJ, YO DJ, YO DJ Pump this party and keeps repaeating that?

Could well do...but its not the old school tune that has the same vocals. Why, whats the one you are thinking of?
Im Normally good with the new trance tunes that release in uk but not know of this one.

white label mayb.
if you think it sounds like darude and dumonde sort of stuff it could have been "double figures - Hey DJ"