Would you take your mum to the Zoo Project?


Active Member
Spending a couple of nights in Ibiza with my mum later this month. Basically the plot of "Snatched" without all the kidnapping and murdering.

Loved the idea of ibiza rocks as a *happy medium* night out but it doesn't start til the following week!

She swithers between wanting to "do ibiza" and making me assure her "no Kevin and perry please" (her words not mine - she's not been to ibiza herself since 1998 so I can't blame her too much.)

Should I draw the line at a mambo sunset or get her fully made up in leopard print? (I've never been to the zoo project myself so frankly I'm tempted for that reason alone).

I did toy with the idea of Flower Power but we're staying in San Antonio and she's too thrifty to be able to handle a roundtrip to ibiza town in a taxi and I don't think I could take a 60 year old woman on the disco bus!
Haha I say definitely take her if she's up for it! There's plenty of places to chill if it gets too much for her whilst you're hanging in the seal pit!
I wouldn't take my Mum, but I might take your Mum:)
She'd be delighted to hear someone say that!

Obviously if we did it we'd have to do it properly - Anyone got any recommendations for face/body paint in San An? Or do you do it yourself, and if so, any product and/or tutorial recommendations?
She'd be delighted to hear someone say that!

Obviously if we did it we'd have to do it properly - Anyone got any recommendations for face/body paint in San An? Or do you do it yourself, and if so, any product and/or tutorial recommendations?
Try kiss my fairy, heard quite a bit about them and they do zoo painting
Flower Power would not be a good idea, as Pacha gets far to cramped. If there is one place your gonna take moms... it would be Zoo Project. Huge venue, plenty of space to chill and breath, you can even sit her down near the dance floor if you wanted to go dance. You can get face painted inside the Zoo Project, but it would cost more, and if I remember rightly, it was very busy. There are a few places in San An that can face paint, just ask around.