would like to announce


Active Member
The safe arrival of our new grandson Len-James, born today at 5.37 pm weighing in at
8lb 8oz,
He is what the hospital call a truly miracle baby, he was conceived through IVF, then mum was diagnosed as type 1 diabetic as soon as she fell pregnant, and NO-ONE in the medical profession expected him to survive,as mum had severe ketoacidosis , ie sugars levels that are extremely high and fatal to pregnancys,
so he was born today 4 weeks early, as placenta was starting to fail, but hes an amazing little boy, hes needing a little help in breathing, but apart from that mum and baby are doing very well,
Great new:) Those little lads are tougher than ya think.A friends baby was born 8 weeks early last year and he perfectly fine now..
thank you for all your kind comments, Len-James is still in hospital,which was expected, he had a little trouble breathing, so he got help with that, so he was tube fed for a little while, hes also on anti-biotics, as he got a little infection, but hes on the mend now
he,s now started taking bottles at last, so hopefully by saturdayhe should be able to go home, fingers crossed,
I was going to put a picture on here, but cant figure out how to do it, as the photos are too big,:)
but hes an adorable boy , and a very welcome addition to our family