Worst hangover of my life


Well-Known Member
Been bed bound all day, struggled to eat, anything I drink is just coming straight back up. Questioning why I even do this any more! Happy Saturday folks, I'm away to lob myself in the deep end :cry:
Been bed bound all day, struggled to eat, anything I drink is just coming straight back up. Questioning why I even do this any more! Happy Saturday folks, I'm away to lob myself in the deep end :cry:

What you need is some Irn Bru and a packet of pickled onion crisps....it'll kill you or cure you :eek:;)
lucozade sport does wonders. and the sea and all the fine things you might see at the beach. staying in a hotel room wont help much
I still remember this "hangover" vividly - crocked up in a bed in Marco Polo waiting for the grim reaper to come collect me. Has it stopped me going full pelt and diving mozam first into piles of narcotics and washing it all down with some John Peels? Don't be daft. :twisted: