Worst airport experience

Jam Man

Active Member
OK so beat this one.

Landed in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on Sunday night at 5:30 pm and went into the terminal.

Joined a line of about 40 people waiting for passport control. At this time there were probably 500 people in the hall.

None of the desks were open though, so everyone stood there for the next two hours wondering what was going on. No announcements, not information. Anyone in uniform simply waved questions away with a shrug and "you wait, you wait!".

Meanwhile more and more flights are landing and the hall is filling up with at least a couple of thousand in it. A few desks open and very gradually I can see things are moving but it's taking at least 5 minutes for each person to get through. After anouther two hours I manage to get near the front but notice that some are getting through while others are being refused entry and simply waiting by the desks. My turn comes and yep, I'm turned away because of a system problem.

It's 10pm, I've been in this hall, about the size of three tennis courts, with no chairs, no water and a toilet I daren't even go near for four and a half hours, with thousands of people, many with what can only be described as low level personal hygiene plus crying children and I've had enough. I'm on the phone to our company emergency travel desk and the only thing they can offer me to get out of there is a 5am flight back to Dubai. Desperate, I take it and I'm booked on to it.

I head to the transfer desk and calmly, politely explain that I have a reservation and I need to go through the metal detector into the transfer area which leads to the departures hall.

"No, cannot do, you wait here." is the reply.

Politely again, I explain that I no longer want to enter Saudi and am booked to fly back out to Dubai.

"You no go, you not special guy, you wait here. I know problem!!" he replies.

By this time, the other 20 or so passengers who have also suffered the same fate, are gathering around and looking for similar solutions. Some have also taken the initiative and booked themselves on to flights out but also get the same reply.

Powerless we stand for another hour, but this time as a group, figuring we have more chance together rather than individuals.

Finally, we are ushered to a desk, put into line and told to wait. Sure enough, one by one, we're processed and given entry into Saudi.

So after six and a half hours with no water, no bathroom and no chair (or floor space to sit on), I'm through. A 45 minute terror ride in a taxi later and I'm in the hotel.

It's 01:30 by this stage and relief doesn't even come close to the emotion. I neck over a liter of water, grab a quick shower and collapse into bed.

Two days later and I'm back home still in shock.....

This was about half the hall at around 10pm:


Sorry, needed to vent a little.

As you were...
do where does ibiza come into this strory ???

... so everyone stood there for the next two hours wondering what was going on.
No announcements, not informatiomation ...
the hall is filling up with at least a couple of thousand in it ...
... After anouther two hours I manage to get near the front but notice that some are getting
through while others are being refused entry and simply waiting ...

... this hall, about the size of three tennis courts, with no chairs, no water
and a toilet I daren't even go near for four and a half hours, with thousands of people
many with what can only be described as low level personal hygiene ...

... Powerless we stand for another hour ..
So after six and a half hours with no water, no bathroom and no chair
(or floor space to sit on), I'm through

A 45 minute terror ride in a taxi later and I'm in the hotel....

Two days later and I'm back home still in shock ...

wait a second ...
wasn´t that the description of ****ing guetta´s FMIF-party @ pacha ...
and the ride back home in a pirate-taxi :?: :idea: :twisted:
Honestly, there are countries one shouldn't even considering entering either for ethical or service reasons. It seems Saudi fits the bill on both counts!

lol @ icey!
A friend was working as a holiday rep near Benalmedina in Spain a couple of years ago so we flew out for a long weekend for my birthday in May. Got to Malaga airport for the flight home about 3pm, and had heard whispers about the ash cloud. Flight then got cancelled before we got through to departures. Another flight was put on a while later so we checked our luggage in and went through security, to find that the second flight was also cancelled.

Huge queue at the Ryanair help desk, then when it got to 10pm, as we were near the front of the queue, they tried to close the shutters on the desk to go home for the night. It's only a small airport so no night flights with Ryanair there. The staff had to phone the police to get them out of there, understandably a lot of people weren't happy with the lack of answers and the prospect with an overnight stay in the airport.

We were advised by loudspeaker to phone the Ryanair helpline, and were advised that there would be flights in the morning, and that we should keep hold of receipts when money was spent on food etc. Lovely, a night on the floor of an airport then. 9am came and we were in the queue again, and checked in to a flight a few hours later. That flight was then cancelled later, we queued again, put on a flight, cancelled again. About 8pm that evening we were told there would be no flights to Britain until the Wednesday morning at the earliest, and that we should phone the helpline again for advice, which was again to keep receipts, and if we wanted to get a hotel room then do that and 'you might be able to claim your money back'.

We thought better of it, and set up camp in the airport for a second night, despite all of us suffering from lack of sleep and colds from the exposure to a dirty airport with grim air conditioning. Another 9am queue, another booking on a soon-to-be-cancelled flight, and then realisation that my car was in the short stay at Bristol airport, and was probably going to cost me a fortune. That, followed by another call to my boss saying I was going to be at least another day late for work, was adding to my huge phone bill and horrific mood.

What really pissed me off was when flights starting leaving early Wednesday afternoon, but still no sign of a flight to Bristol. Birmingham? Yep. Glasgow? Yep. London? Yep. Bristol? No, but please listen out for an announcement. I think we finally got booked onto a flight at 7pm, which was delayed a couple of hours, but finally set off, getting us home in the early hours of Thursday morning. Took the rest of the week off as I was ill, tired, and in no mood to put up with work.

Gave up on trying to claim anything from Ryanair, it wasn't worth the extra stress and dealing with incompetent call centres. Wasn't happy about the £200 phone bill the next month! Hoping our Ryanair experience goes a lot more smoothly on Friday!
what a sausagefest - almost like mondays @ amnesia ;)

... So after six and a half hours ...
... This was about half the hall at around 10pm:

why didn´t you show the brandnew blockbuster "innocence of muslims" on your labtop
to shorten the waiting time (and maybe even your life) :?: :twisted:
That sounds awful mate! :eek:

My worst experience was being stuck in Naples airport overnight as all flights were cancelled during a electrical storm - with my missus who was six months pregnant.

Total chaos, quite frightening. Missus collapsed due to the humidity as the aircon wasn't working and she was stuck on a stretcher in a corridor with rain pouring through the roof feet away from her.

The security was so lax that i was able to pop outside for a ciggie even though I was through to departures (the first aid station was near the entrance):lol: but also a bit :eek:.
I will never complain about Paphos Airport in Cyprus ever again after reading that - I would have been locked up and imprisoned for a good length of time - my patience with inept staff is well known for being ****!

I think i would have kicked off....:spank: