worked i san an in 2004


New Member
I Went out to ibiza to work in 2004, didnt last the full season(left at begin of august) was thinking about goin out there again this year to try and last the course just wondered who else is off out to the white isle.

am goin out 1st of june, how did ya land a job wit judgement sundays? sound like mt kinda work. im a first time worker but been der many times. any advice??
I worked in the cat and parrot till end of july then jacked it cos i was sick of the ****y hours i was doin then couldnt find another job and the money ran out a cpl of weeks l8r. I remember a guy that looked like judge jules workin f judgement sundays,dnt think i ever talked to you.
yeh i think i can remember you outside eden 1 nite but was mashed so didnt think nowt of did you go out there last year or the year b4, what was it like?
r u goin back out there this year.
tatty0001wot didnt u like about the hours did u find it hard or jus sxxt in general? is it really hard to find a job out there? im goin out beggining of may i think on my own.
i was a chef and i was working 10-10 everyday and all ma mates out there were pr or worked on a bar or dj so they all worked 6-3/4. and i couldnt keep up, i was physicaly ****ed when i used to sit down for a break at work i would fall asleep, so i jacked my job in and managed to support my self for bout 3 weeks, the money dried up there wasnt any jobs so i left. i might be thinking about goin back at this year. it wasnt bad i had a great time but the job werent rite for me. i would advice anyone to go out.
yeh i think i can remember you outside eden 1 nite but was mashed so didnt think nowt of did you go out there last year or the year b4, what was it like?
r u goin back out there this year.

Yeah, i'm going back this year, only on holidays tho! It'll be my 10th time out there!
if i decide to go out i would be goin on ma own(all ma m8s av houses n kids). dont know wot i would do prob chef again but find a better job than last time.
whats the ideal job out there if you want to party all the time?

In penance for my Sharam gag earlier, and previous R Kelly gags:

Most workers party most nights. If you get a PR job for one of the club nights you´ll be working until 2,3 or 4 in the morning but that´s not too late to go out in Ibiza and you won´t need to be at work again in 9 or ten the following so you´ve got a good few hours inbetween.
im flying out 20th may.

where shall i go for the best pr job? i'll be living in san an.

i wouldnt mind working for eden walking up and down the west end dresed up in whatever theme it is that night.

that seems a laugh!
big club (eden,esparidis etc) pr jobs dont usually start till end of may so if yr goin out early then you might av t get a job in 1 of the bars on the strip, make sure you dont get a job in a little bar off the strip as a pr( its to hard to get people in so you dnt mke no money).