Work Today Folks?

Alright Olster? Suffering?

Was the ex suitably tortured by junior's noisy Xmas presents?:lol:
ha! no idea, they're in blackpool

I got back from Spain late on sunday night to find I'd parked in the wrong car park at Luton (I had no idea there were rival airport car parks!) and they tried to fleece me £100 :eek: so I pleaded ignorance, innocence and poverty and they eventually relented and let me out - much to my surprise and relief..

I decided thereafter to never return to Luton ever again (or at least until the next seemingly seductive airfare leads me there)
I'm in!

Ironically too busy working so i can get back home, which is why ive just logged on!

Hope you're all having a great Xmas break.

heads back to grindstone....:lol:
Been in since monday (no bank holidays here :() and hated it. What a funker that Christmas, NY, and the Three kings (Spanish Christmas) are over weekends this year :spank: Still cant complain too much seeing as we have the most holidays in the whole of Europe.

Only saving grace is I've booked tomorow and friday off so have a nice 4 day weekend 8)
as a kid I loved 3 kings day (6th Jan) my folks would normally time the holidays to fit that in too and I used to get taken to the ramblas to see the procession and there would be mini-stampedes as sweets would be chucked into the crowd. Used to cause massive confusion and headaches for parents though, especially if they were asked to explain who Santa was and how he related to the kings.
as a kid I loved 3 kings day (6th Jan) my folks would normally time the holidays to fit that in too and I used to get taken to the ramblas to see the procession and there would be mini-stampedes as sweets would be chucked into the crowd. Used to cause massive confusion and headaches for parents though, especially if they were asked to explain who Santa was and how he related to the kings.

Same here mate. I remember well trying to dodge the horses hooves while trying to bag as many sweets as possible. :lol: And now being a father myself am looking forward to taking my daughter to it next weekend.