Work Appraisals (Buckley you might be able to answer this)


Active Member
I have worked for the same company for 5 years and the last 2 years have been a struggle, financially etc, because of this a lot of procedures have lapsed and a lot of staff are getting quite pissed off to say the least.

Our appraisals ‘normally' take place in March, give or take a month or so, last year they were very late and I actually had to request mine after it was ‘forgotten'…..nice (October time)!!

In this appraisal I requested to go on a course, funded by my firm, this was agreed and confirmed in writing…I come back from Thailand at the start of the year ready to go with this course and get it done and dusted…….months later, the invoice isn't paid so I never get to complete the course let alone start it.

Now we are waiting for our next appraisal…..low and behold no official dates for when these might happen – certain people have gone to the measures of putting post it notes on my bosses diary everyday until she got her appraisal, which she did……I, however am still waiting along with a few other members of staff.

A conversation then arose in the front office about appraisals etc and Ray (yes good old ray) said that the longer they leave it, the longer any rise we get given will have to be back dated. My work colleague confirmed that, this is actually, not a law, but something that is always considered if appraisals are late….

Now I kinda want to know where I stand in all of this ?! No pay rise in 2 years and no course…to say I feel let down is an understatement….any advice or feedback will be greatly received….

Or anyone require a Secretary / PW / Administrative Assistant who has a vast knowledge of the building / construction industry :lol:
Sounds like your managers could do with a kick in the ass.

There is no obligation for them to back date payrises and it sounds unlikley that they will given their way of operating.

Firms in this position should be upfront with staff about where they stand even if the truth i not what staff want to hear as it inevitably leads to gossip, disgruntled employees and people starting to look elsewhere.

Other than pester your boss on this issue, there is not much you can do. Unless you really what to put yourself in the firing line (which might not be a good place to be at the moment from what your say!)

Look elsewhere is my advice, at least it gives you a Plan B if they don't pull their finger out!
I have worked for the same company for 5 years and the last 2 years have been a struggle, financially etc, because of this a lot of procedures have lapsed and a lot of staff are getting quite pissed off to say the least.

Our appraisals ‘normally' take place in March, give or take a month or so, last year they were very late and I actually had to request mine after it was ‘forgotten'…..nice (October time)!!

In this appraisal I requested to go on a course, funded by my firm, this was agreed and confirmed in writing…I come back from Thailand at the start of the year ready to go with this course and get it done and dusted…….months later, the invoice isn't paid so I never get to complete the course let alone start it.

Now we are waiting for our next appraisal…..low and behold no official dates for when these might happen – certain people have gone to the measures of putting post it notes on my bosses diary everyday until she got her appraisal, which she did……I, however am still waiting along with a few other members of staff.

A conversation then arose in the front office about appraisals etc and Ray (yes good old ray) said that the longer they leave it, the longer any rise we get given will have to be back dated. My work colleague confirmed that, this is actually, not a law, but something that is always considered if appraisals are late….

Now I kinda want to know where I stand in all of this ?! No pay rise in 2 years and no course…to say I feel let down is an understatement….any advice or feedback will be greatly received….

Or anyone require a Secretary / PW / Administrative Assistant who has a vast knowledge of the building / construction industry :lol:

Nowhere in law will it state they owe you a pay rise or that you are guaranteed one every year.

I'm sure you have seen on the news the number of firms holding back pay rises, cutting salaries, hours or even worse, the number of staff they employ.

Be grateful you have a job as I'm sure someone else would happily take it off you and sit on the net chatting on websites.
Hi Vic,

I can only talk from personal experience, not employment law here, but I would be surprised if any company backdated a pay rise as Ray has mentioned.

I have worked for both small independent companies (no contract, lawless type places ;)) and huge multi-nationals and I guess which type you are in makes a bit of a difference.

With the large corporates there is a 'duty' to protect the staff, particular if there is an Investors in People award to maintain, therefore there is a more active HR department involved in ensuring that appraisals take place. This also means that there is a chain of people to complain/get advice from if you feel that you are not being treated well by your manager.

Then on the other hand, smaller, independent places don't necessarily have this set up and tend just to do what they want! Where I have been with these in the past is just having to take the bull by the horns, arrange a meeting and go in and ask for what you want.

No matter what company though, there is no guarantee that you will get an increase in salary as many different reasons can be cited - 'current climate' being a favourite!

If I were you, I would get proactive - schedule a meeting with my manager and drive the conversation myself. Can be scary, but then at least it's done. Is it easy for you to get time in your manager's diary?
Look elsewhere is my advice, at least it gives you a Plan B if they don't pull their finger out!

8) Good advice.

always be one step ahead. even if you are happy in your job. it doesn't take much for the **** to hit the fan. at least when it does, you'll be prepared.

I didn't have any form of appraisal for the last 3-4years in my old job. I always got told I was valued etc... but he never backed up his mouth with his wallet.

Final straw for me was being put on a 4 day week, less 20% pay. So I got my **** together and am now being my own boss, and doing things the way it should be done. (If anyone has any graphic design projects, please get in touch ;))
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8) Good advice.

always be one step ahead. even if you are happy in your job. it doesn't take much for the **** to hit the fan. at least when it does, you'll be prepared.

I didn't have any form of appraisal for the last 3-4years in my old job. I always got told I was valued etc... but he never backed up his mouth with his wallet.

Final straw for me was being put on a 4 day week, less 20% pay. So I got my **** together and am now being my own boss, and doing things the way it should be done. (If anyone has any graphic design projects, please get in touch ;))

I do... but I need them to be free :lol:
Nowhere in law will it state they owe you a pay rise or that you are guaranteed one every year.

I'm sure you have seen on the news the number of firms holding back pay rises, cutting salaries, hours or even worse, the number of staff they employ.

Be grateful you have a job as I'm sure someone else would happily take it off you and sit on the net chatting on websites.

I hear what you are saying but you have taken my words and clearly read what i have said more p*ssed off that appraisals are a struggle let alone a pay rise :lol:
Firms in this position should be upfront with staff about where they stand even if the truth i not what staff want to hear as it inevitably leads to gossip, disgruntled employees and people starting to look elsewhere.

Look elsewhere is my advice, at least it gives you a Plan B if they don't pull their finger out!

Alot of that going on atm :rolleyes: and i have been looking elsewhere but because of the industry im in, i am best to start in thew new year :spank:
With the large corporates there is a 'duty' to protect the staff, particular if there is an Investors in People award to maintain, therefore there is a more active HR department involved in ensuring that appraisals take place. This also means that there is a chain of people to complain/get advice from if you feel that you are not being treated well by your manager.

This is what has kinda sparked a revolt in the office as we have an Investors in People meeting in November so the office manager sent an e-mail to everyone, apart from the 2 directors, asking if there is anything they would like her to bring up as she is willing to be head speaker...

The current climate was the reason for the first no pay rise - fair enough as we got told about this....

as for now - we are all none the wiser and its just not on :(
Or anyone require a Secretary / PW / Administrative Assistant who has a vast knowledge of the building / construction industry :lol:

Thought you worked for Jude Law, Vic ? .. I remember the days of appraisals - generally a complete waste of time going through the motions to be seen to be doing it if I recall correctly - then they introduced a rule that pay issues must be dealt with at pay reviews and everything else at appraisals. They must have got fed up of everyone whinging for more money all the time :lol:
Thought you worked for Jude Law, Vic ? .. I remember the days of appraisals - generally a complete waste of time going through the motions to be seen to be doing it if I recall correctly - then they introduced a rule that pay issues must be dealt with at pay reviews and everything else at appraisals. They must have got fed up of everyone whinging for more money all the time :lol:

ok...unless you are on my fb you wouldnt of know that ?! :confused:
Fair play for being bothered about the appraisal, it's time to be thinking strategically.

The pay rise thing won't get you much empathy. I work in the construction industry and it is just carnage out there. We announced offices to close entirely last week. It is unlikely yo get better unless you have an international presence (and even then) or get lucky with your work wins.

I'm almost ashamed to say this as i've been the first in the past to raise issues like this, and am involved in all this in work, but i'd keep your head down for a couple of years.

That said if you have a mature relationship with your boss have an 'off the record'.
Just re-read it, unless it is in the contract pay rises are at the mercy of the employer. There may be a question of precedent and morals re back paying to appraisals but i'd be suprised if your appointment picked this up.

Oh and Buckley would have sacked you for even asking for an appraisal;).
Oh and Buckley would have sacked you for even asking for an appraisal;).


Wise words above though. Sadly we have not seen anything yet, 2008 was a warm up for what lies ahead. Anyone with a job right now should put all their energy into keeping their current position. I have friends with supposed rock solid careers looking at pay freezes, four day weeks:(

Conversely my father in law has seen a massive increase in business from new building sites recently, but I think the government have handed out some big sweeteners to builders building new homes the past month or so?
Conversely my father in law has seen a massive increase in business from new building sites recently, but I think the government have handed out some big sweeteners to builders building new homes the past month or so?

I have seen an ickle bit of positivity over the news lately about the construciton industry, its not all doom and gloom and i know we arent short of work, which is probably why it frustrates me more :spank:

Doesnt take alot to allocate a day for everyone to attend a quick brief staff meeting to keep everyone in the loop - we deserve that at least :confused: