Woman lives to a healthy 103 because....


Active Member
shes never been laid or smoke a fag oooooooooooooor drank anything alcoholic....

Well thats me dead at 40 :lol:

Seriously though, wtf ?! :confused:
maybe she's a freak of nature?

maybe she lied in the questionnaire?

maybe her birth certificate got destroyed in the war?

maybe she faked her death?

maybe she was brought up in some genetic experiment and her sinful twin is still alive?

maybe nobody gives a fcuk?
maybe nobody gives a fcuk?

Yep...a sad indictment of life in the 21st century.

Sensuality is good for your health though - if we went through life without being tactile we'd all be miserable.

I'd say the 'no sex' bit is rooted in some kind of guilt ridden mass controlling cult (also known as Christianity).