funtom said:weiss jemand wie die «auslastung» der insel wärend der WM aussieht?
ist in dieser zeit der ansturm der ferien- und feierwilligen weniger gross als üblich?
nostrum...das einzige indiz said:... sind die aktuellen Buchungszahlen:
Boom In German Tourism.
Certain leading German travel agents are reporting that all the places they had reserved for Ibiza during July & August are sold out already.
Even the world cup being held in Germany in June is not appearing to affect sales, which are reportedly going very well for this month & will possibly result in most of the reserved hotel & apartment places for German tourists being sold out as well in June.
The number of German tourists booking holidays via travel agents has apparently increased by 5% with lots apparently opting for the holiday modules system offered by the companies. ...
there is reportedly a massive increase in Spanish, Italian, German, French & Eastern European tourists expected to visit the Pitiuses this summer perhaps some of the traditional tourist businesses on the island catering mainly for just one nationality of customer should consider becoming more international or at least European if they want to maintain their market share in the fast changing tourist scene on the islands.
nostrum said:@ funtom: nein, einsame nächte gibt's (zumindest in den zentren) wohl nicht. aber du kennst die insel ja auch recht gut und wirst die ruhigen plätzchen schon finden!![]()
@ eisbär: abgerechnet wird ende saison. logisch ist's toll, dass die auslastung seit ostern permanent besser ist als früher, doch diese vorsaison ist doch ein klacks im vergleich zur wirklichen saison, die jetzt erst so langsam losgeht. und die wird dann den unterschied ausmachen - oder eben auch nicht.
das einzige indiz, dass wirklich eine steigerung annehmen lässt, ist die tatsache, dass die balearen ganz allgemein wieder ein klein wenig trendy-er sind als in den letzten jahren und etwas besser zu laufen scheinen. das liegt fast ausschliesslich daran, dass die südtürkei (wegen vogelgrippe etc) einen touristischen einbruch erlitten hat.
icebaer69 said:... sind die aktuellen Buchungszahlen:
Boom In German Tourism.
Certain leading German travel agents are reporting that all the places they had reserved for Ibiza during July & August are sold out already.
Even the world cup being held in Germany in June is not appearing to affect sales, which are reportedly going very well for this month & will possibly result in most of the reserved hotel & apartment places for German tourists being sold out as well in June.
The number of German tourists booking holidays via travel agents has apparently increased by 5% with lots apparently opting for the holiday modules system offered by the companies. ...
there is reportedly a massive increase in Spanish, Italian, German, French & Eastern European tourists expected to visit the Pitiuses this summer perhaps some of the traditional tourist businesses on the island catering mainly for just one nationality of customer should consider becoming more international or at least European if they want to maintain their market share in the fast changing tourist scene on the islands.