Winter Wonderland Weekend Plans


Snowing again here. Heard you guys in the UK had some snow this week as well.

What's up for the weekend?

Friday - A friend's goodbye party (repatriating to the UK), then the anniversary party for a combo event space and internet incubator (supposedly lots o' famous people going), and then a huge private party being thrown by Bacardi with Die Antwoord and Twin Shadows live.

I hadn't heard of Die Antwoord before but there's a huge buzz about this among the hipster classes so I guess I'm out of the loop! Everyone's expecting it to be one of the parties of the year. Depending on how late that goes - might sneak off to Gipsy for Dennis Ferrer, Hercules & Love Affair,, or to Troyka for Jamie Jones.

Saturday - Tentatively planning to see a documentary on Perestroika in the afternoon, then watch football, then attend the Hanukkah candle-lighting outside Red Sq. Later, see some local bands at Crisis Genre, then go to Solyanka to see O Children and some other live bands.

Sunday - Try to remember my name.
Tonight - cinema, or DVDs at home.

Saturday - sister in law and her gorgeous little daughter (this kid could stop wars I'm telling you) arrive early on for the missus' baby shower. I will be making my self scarce and watching my footy team (as I'm still injured). Football team Xmas booze-up after.

Sunday - films and comfort food.
Massive weekend in London - Alfos tonight at corsica studios and Shoom's 25th anniversary party
Die Antwoord f*ckin ace...8)
So I'm hearing!
I've watched some of their videos. They've certainly got their own style.
Seems like something I wouldn't listen to at home but could be really fun live at a party.
Massive weekend in London - Alfos tonight at corsica studios and Shoom's 25th anniversary party
That Shoom party looks great 8)
every thread on weekend plans, i think Morbyd you must win the prize for the most intersting & fun filled activities....Moscow seems like the place to be for sure8)

i will just make do with the arches tonight for Jacques lu cont playing the final Death Disco night (i've got a soft spot for the Death Disco parties, used to go to them years ago, and was one of the main clubbing nights (along with Pressure) that got me back into dance music after many years away from it)...the night might be a bit strange as they have got Jake Shears (scissor sisters) djing as not sure what that will be like...or what his apperance will mean to the crowd that usually goes to DD.
Tonight - Sort of gatecrashing/being a +1 at a female friend's office party, having heard the stories from previous years it should be interesting to say the least.

Tomorrow - Southampton vs Reading. MASSIVE game at the bottom end of the Premier League. 8 lads on the piss from about 10am. Plans to meet some friends at a local pub in the evening, I've warned them that I'll be suitably topped up by then.

Sunday - hangover, footy on the TV, and a run if I'm feeling up to it.
I'm heading to Rong tonight in Manchester, then out all day tomorrow for a friends birthday.
Pub on sunday too no doubt for super sunday.
Massive weekend in London - Alfos tonight at corsica studios and Shoom's 25th anniversary party

= DYING Sunday (and maybe Monday, and Tuesday :twisted: )


Tonight - workout and working and then a few down the local probably

Saturday - work hard in the am and early afternoon, workout after. Then into Clapham for a birthday - will be going to very cheesy/crappy club. Depending on how much I drink I will either go back to my mates, or head on into the deeper sounds of London.

Sunday - off to check out Winter Wonderland at Hyde Park, never been.
"Deeper sounds of london" ha ha i think i have that on tape somewhere. I was trying to get to london this weekend to visit friends who have tickets for shoom i just cant make it this weekend:( John talabot next saturday in Dublin will do nicely...
very tame weeknd again for me , working saturday day then on sunday going to The Hawksmoor (apparently its really good?) for a lunch to meet the gf's dad and some other ppl i dont know. hurrah
very tame weeknd again for me , working saturday day then on sunday going to The Hawksmoor (apparently its really good?) for a lunch to meet the gf's dad and some other ppl i dont know. hurrah

Hawksmoor - Pretty good. Not sure about their 'best steak in London' claim but it's decent.
Will do..Heard him play at 2 festivals this year both were good. This is his own gig at the button factory in Dublin.Best Sound system in dublin so should be belting.Just picked up some party flock:p:spank: for the night..All good..:D
Today has been fun. Beers in the office,secret santa, sweet parcels and the much anticipated Fifa grudge match which someone bet they could beat me by 10 goals and I actually drew 2-2 with them, so £100 bonus for me off the boss :D

Tomorrow, airport at 11.30 for our works christmas outing to Tenerife. 3 days of getting wrecked all paid for by the boss. Arrive back Tuesday likely to be dying and crawl staright into bed.

Expensese paid p*ss up to Tenerife, fair play to your gaffer, that's not a bad effort so far as xmas do's go!

Enjoy :) Will you be spilling the beans on your return? A 3 day bender in the winter sun will surely lead to some top shelf, X rated shenanigans, we are all ears ;)