Windy times.


Active Member
Bird table blown over.

Wisteria blown down pulling telephone cable off the wall.

Recycling bin has vanished.

Thankfully the fence panels are still upright but by hell it's a windy one today!

A fair day for looking for conkers:D
Sounds like you're really getting it up there ? Fortunately it's not too bad here today - more random spells of gusty wind then quite calm - the high winds are shifting the clouds so some sunny spells in between which is quite nice. And not really cold !

The first of the leaves are beginning to drop - well, be blown from their branches anyway ! It's quite nice actually... still, I'd rather still be sat in perfect Mediterranean sunshine right now but all good things must come to an end ! :)
I do love the wind :D although driving back from Physio was a bit difficult the car was almost lifting up!! :confused:

I can actually see waves on the Tyne outside mine - :D
Bestival weather was actually perfect :) Lovely and sunny with a few clouds in the day. A couple of showers at night but nothing that spoilt our plans.
However woke up Monday morning to VERY heavy winds. It made the fast ferry journey home quite scary! It was rocking severely & the waves were big enough to smash on the side of the windows!! Luckily I don't get seasick but my mates and a few other people were looking very green!!
Tent filled with water and blew away, belongings scattered all over floor. Scenes of devastation in morning.

Hilarious. :lol:
It was raining conkers @ school!

Tent filled with water and blew away, belongings scattered all over floor. Scenes of devastation in morning.

Hilarious. :lol:

Yep I awoke yesterday to a puddle in my tent and all my clothes sitting in it! Had to travel back in my pyjama's :lol: Thank God that was the end of the festival!

How long did it take you to get back Rob? Did you drive? We had a 2.5hr wait for the ferry :spank:, missed our connecting train from Southampton and the tickets were £35 each on the day!! Decided to get a taxi all the way home for £110 as it worked out the same price for the 3 of us. Phew!
Yep I awoke yesterday to a puddle in my tent and all my clothes sitting in it! Had to travel back in my pyjama's :lol: Thank God that was the end of the festival!

How long did it take you to get back Rob? Did you drive? We had a 2.5hr wait for the ferry :spank:, missed our connecting train from Southampton and the tickets were £35 each on the day!! Decided to get a taxi all the way home for £110 as it worked out the same price for the 3 of us. Phew!

Got back after midnight - on last ferry! SIX hour queue. :eek:
Crikey. We left site about 6pm on Sunday, were early for our 8.30pm ferry booking, managed to get on 7.30pm (or maybe 7pm?) ferry instead, and were home before 10pm.

Weather wasn't too bad, all told.

Good to run into you a couple of time Rob, shame we didn't see you and the ol' ball and chain Miss Boo.
Err... I'll have to take your word for it. Looks like I missed his set ;)

Opened the mainstage one day!:lol:

Could have ended in tears though. My missus accidentally walked off with a bag belonging to a chap we kindly offered a seat in our cab to. It was only when he offered me some his wares for free, as reward for returning it safely, that I realised I'd been walking in and out of the entrance looking for him with a bag full of goodies!:spank:
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Opened the mainstage one day!:lol:

Could have ended in tears though. My missus accidentally walked off with a bag belonging to a chap we kindly offered a seat in our cab to. It was only when if offered some his wares for free, as reward for returning it safely, that I realised I'd been walking in and out of the entrance looking for him with a bag full of goodies!:spank:

Ha! Not sure the bouncers would have bought your story... :lol:
Ha! Not sure the bouncers would have bought your story... :lol:

Never mind the bouncers - the entrance was crawling with police and sniffer dogs on the Friday!

"No honest, it's not my bag. It's Dave's. No, I don't know his second name, we just gave him a lift and walked off with his bag by accident......"
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