Why so many members name not active anymore?


Well-Known Member
Is it because they ask to leave? Or because they are banned?
I have been reading reviews from 2002/2003 and I have to say while I almost agree mine gave a feeling of "the Ibiza of old" as far as the carnage is concerned, the experiences in those years was completely different in similar circumstances. Prob doesn't make any sense :lol:
So anyway anyone reading this please please PLEASE go read the review section from the last page and start back it is soooo addictive 8)
And also please tell me admin why so many old posters have vanished? Shame they can't still be with us to discuss how it used to be. :(
3:50 am. Ollie on the sauce again :lol:

Some banned (particularly during the Spotlight Wars and the fall of the Members section), some stopped posting, some changed aliases (oh, X-Amount, we do miss thee :lol:)

But plenty of old-timers still around!
we regularly purge the members lists on an 'if they haven't posted for x years' basis. simple as that.
Fair enough, some great reviews from 2002 onwards is that when this place was born? You've done a stellar job to keep the place alive and thriving so long :)
Fair enough, some great reviews from 2002 onwards is that when this place was born? You've done a stellar job to keep the place alive and thriving so long :)
It's really amazing what a great community this forum has been and continues to be. It's the first and only Internet forum I've used (many hours have been wasted :lol:). There are a lot of people I've met off here that are now lifelong friends, and I'm surely not the only one who can say that. The magic of Spotlight!

James, Stephen and the crew deserve a lot of credit.
thanks john, those are really kind words!

it's not always easy keeping a community going for a long time. you need to keep the regulars interested but also encourage new members. of course it's not all our doing, people who love ibiza are generally pretty cool and friendly people to be around, and the vibe in the forums reflects exactly that!

i'm not in the forums as often as i'd like to be, but stephen and the rest of the spotlight team do a really excellent job in keeping things ticking over. we also have some really helpful and knowledgeable moderators who help keep the forum the place to go for the latest news & gossip. a large part of the forum's success is really down to them!