Why Cant I Find It!!!!!???

Foam at Plush

New Member
Why cant I find Ame-Rej? Other ppl on here have had the same problem from what I've read and I still only find American Reject songs when I search for it on Limewire. Is there a place on the net where I can find it for free??
or alternatively you could buy it for less than a pound or a couple of dollars from djdownload.com :spank: :spank:
Have had the same problem for weeks now. Heard it first on Pete Tong's Essential Selection weeks ago but doesnt seem to be available to download.....Shame!!
I know Defected records have resigned it to their label recently and pulled it from lots of download sites coz they want the exclusive of it. Check out the Defected online store.

PS buy the damm song at about £1 - money well spent, especially if it helps them make more records like this!