Why am I awake?!


Talking to you older folks, not the young whippersnappers.

Do you get that thing where you come home from a long night out, wake up 4-5 hours later, and can't get back to sleep?

Happens all the time to me now. It's like my body refuses to sleep past a certain hour anymore. :cry:

Went to bed sometime after 7, woke up at noon and not the least happy about it! :evil:

I might still technically be drunk...
Talking to you older folks, not the young whippersnappers.

Do you get that thing where you come home from a long night out, wake up 4-5 hours later, and can't get back to sleep?

Happens all the time to me now. It's like my body refuses to sleep past a certain hour anymore. :cry:

Went to bed sometime after 7, woke up at noon and not the least happy about it! :evil:

I might still technically be drunk...

It's the cycle we all go through.

Babies need to sleep the majority of their day.
Young kids still need more sleep.
As you start reaching 40 and above you don't sleep as much.
As you reach your elderly years you are waking up much earlier and having little micro naps during the day.

Thats the gist of it anyway.

It's natures way of telling you that you are getting on a bit.
Well, I'm not quite as old as you!! :)lol:) so, not sure if I'm equipped to answer this!

But yes! this actually happened to me last night.

So, it can happen to us younger folk as well! ;)
I would love to be able to get 8 hours of sleep on weekends since I usually only sleep ~6 hours/night during the week, but that never seems to work :confused:

(and yes, I'm drunk now.. but that's because I've been drinking all afternoon :lol:)
I would love to be able to get 8 hours of sleep on weekends since I usually only sleep ~6 hours/night during the week, but that never seems to work :confused:

(and yes, I'm drunk now.. but that's because I've been drinking all afternoon :lol:)
nice one. i have been drinkin all afternoon here too.Kids are gone to grandparents for weekend and we still only got 6hrs sleep last night...Life is to short to be in bed till noon.;)
There's an ulterior motive to wanting to have slept in... I want to be fresh enough to stay out until late morning tomorrow :idea:

I was at a US Independence Day celebration this afternoon, thus loads of beer (and several burritos :lol:)

Heading out again for a full night of events in a few. Already a bit tired though!
Do you get that thing where you come home from a long night out, wake up 4-5 hours later, and can't get back to sleep?

It's often the need for a tinkle stop that wakes me up like that :oops: .. trouble is can never get back to sleep either so I just get up and carry on. In Ibiza that means all day and night. Back home I often have a crash late afternoon if don't get back on it - which means waking up after a full night's worth of sleep at midnight with a completely wrecked body clock :(
Its your body starting to sober up that wakes you. Reality is an illusion created by lack of alcohol.
Recently I only sleep for 5-6 hours then cant sleep anymore and then I get up for about 6 hours then go back to bed for 5 :/ I'm not old I think im just strange!