who's here? april, may, october 2006

Me and 3 of my mates are coming out on the 7th may till the 14th, it could be a bumpy week :) :) :) :) :p :p :p

staying in san antionio, - oravy appartments, looking 2 find a few seeeexxy ladies
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Im off to San Antonio, Ibiza, 3rd May - 17th May 2006 this year for the 3rd time since 1998

if there is anyone else out there going inbetween these dates, it be good to chat, always nice to see a familler face

1st time i was in 1998 only 15 so no clubbing for me

2nd time was in 2001, was really good holiday, went to space at 1 of the sun dances, was not 2 bad, but thats all club wise i managed to afford as i blown my money in all the bars

3rd time i hope is goin to be a blast, ill be going with a freind from football this time and not with the parents, also ill be single for the 1st time since 1998 so i cant wait to go find some poontang pie
Ok so first off, you are all going to groan at the next bit but read on and then hopefully it won't sound so bad.

Right, it's my stag and we are 10 lads between 26 and 30(ish) coming out for my last hurrah on the 12th - 15th May... waits for groans... (It does look terrible when I write it!) 8O

Ok, but it's not all bad. Please bear in mind that I have chosen Ibiza for a very specific reason. I have NEVER done Ibiza or a lads holiday ever. Dispite doing Homelands 2001-03, Creamfields 04, T in the Park 05 and about £8000 worth of clubbing nights since I moved to Glasgow 6 years ago I never made it to the White Isle, dispite wanting to go every year! I've been a bedroom and real life dj (I've had more than one gig at a pals party... no really I have) for 4 years. I know my DJ Gregory from my DJ Sammi, my Geri Halliwell from my Eddie Halliwell and my TurntableRocker from my.. you get the picture.

As soon as I got engaged my fiancee told me that I had to have my stag at least 2 weeks before the day so I could not get any closer to the opening, the big day is the 2nd June stag 12th to 15th May! So plenty of time to regrow my eyebrows. She's not amused that I am going to Ibiza without her but I figure it's the only place for me to go.

Anyway, so we will be out and about across the island for one weekend Friday to Monday and I guess I just want to get some advice and chat before we head out. To be honest I think we will do Pacha or Es Paradis on the Saturday and then attempt a game of footy on the beach on Sunday before going to whichever club we didn't do the night before... We are staying in San Antonio Bay but I don't plan to just hang there... hell there is a whole Island!

So any advice, tips or tricks will be gratefully recieved and if Kylie is reading this and wants to meet up and put her case for me not getting married then just let me know time and place, Babycham on me.


Hey yall

I will be in Ibiza in the 26th may with friend of mine and hell yah we will have alot of fun:lol: . it's our first time in ibiza and would love to meet some ppl to show us around and hang out with.

F999_0@hotmail.com or the private


hola folks hows it goin??....well thats me booked up with 3 of my closest friends...one way ticket on the 29th may <<<....need to meet up with some peeps for a russell x ;)
ibiza may - october!

Hey, just joined. I´m Cait, PR for Pacha Madrid, I arrive on Ibiza next week, May 18th, and I´m an Ibiza virgin! Looking for a place to live from mid May to early October, anyone looking for someone interesting to pay for a room in their house / villa / apartment? contact me at cslayback@hotmail.com Possibly working for a pr company, looking for work as a waitress as well, I speak english, spanish and french. Coming alone so looking to meet other fun professional party people! Myspace link cslayback;)
Me and my g/f

Me and a very cute/sexy friend of mine will be in Ibiza (Playa den Bossa) from the 31 of May until the 5th of June. Looking to have plenty of fun with everyone, let me know if ur interested in hanging out!