Who is out 14th August?


Well-Known Member
As above, me and my mate arriving for four nights on 14th. Staying in PDB.

Would love to meet up with like minded people - we're both a bit wild :twisted:
i'll be there with one two ibza spotlight vets :cool: in PDB & other guy i dont know
Feel free to swap fb contacts.
How many are you? staying where?

It will be Handsome if the 3rd spotlight member can make IBIZA 16...don't know if there will be some free places in the car but for the rides around ibiza, feel free to ask you, or any people there in ibiza as im not sure you have experienced rides with House music, driver playin drum :spank: & booze on the House !!!:D
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don't know if there will be some free places in the car but for the rides around ibiza, feel free to ask you, or any people there in ibiza as im not sure you have experienced rides with House music, driver playin drum :spank: & booze on the House !!!:D

Unless I miss-read it, this doesn't sound too safe!!
cool, just saw the fb connection (don't be shy & have a chat ;)) & was wondering if comin from spotlight forum/hacker, as a rule of thumb, i never accept fb requests with no common contacts ...

in Ibz from aug 13 :cool: until? Will be on my own from aug 12 night to ibiza aug 18 (got an ibz 2000 parisian mate landind aug 10 in ibz, but i guess he ll have his own plan )

I'm in if u want to meet up on aug 13 th , as i will be in ibiza from aug 4 , & with one famous spotlight vet member from 5 aug to 12 aug...

ps: will get in touch with you through FB back from office as they 've blocked fb messaging :mad: (the post is to gather more people :D)
cool, just saw the fb connection (don't be shy & have a chat ;)) & was wondering if comin from spotlight forum/hacker, as a rule of thumb, i never accept fb requests with no common contacts ...

in Ibz from aug 13 :cool: until? Will be on my own from aug 12 night to ibiza aug 18 (got an ibz 2000 parisian mate landind aug 10 in ibz, but i guess he ll have his own plan )

I'm in if u want to meet up on aug 13 th , as i will be in ibiza from aug 4 , & with one famous spotlight vet member from 5 aug to 12 aug...

ps: will get in touch with you through FB back from office as they 've blocked fb messaging :mad: (the post is to gather more people :D)

Great! my plan is to stay from aug 13 to aug 21

It will be my first time in Ibiza :)

Lets definitely meet up on aug 13! I’ll send you a message on facebook too
if u want to meet up ,as said in other post i've just createp once back home d for my aug ibz trip, feel free to swap contacts(fb? phone? i'll have a spanish simcard ) as for now for ,we are only 2 ReneArg & I from aug 13 to aug 18 (im leavin in the afternoon , plane not booked , i can leave on 19 20 or 21 but price is increasing a lot sat sunday)
Better to chat before than once in ibz as once there, u dont really have time to have a look on this board (i remember read post from spotlight for meetup in ibz once back homi in paris :spank:, sorry man :oops: spotligh had issued to work with my former cellphone :lol: too slow, bad internet bandwith in ibz dont help too )
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hello all. I would be in the white island for 6th time amd 3th consecutive.i'll stay in pdb from 7-18 aug. I'll enjoy the parties : ONYX,CONNECT,HYTE AFTERHOURS,AFTERLIFE,ANTS,MATERIA,CIRCOLOCO,PARADICE,CREAM .
See you there !!!