whey protein1


New Member
ok, what does it do?
do I have to go the gym all the time or can I stick at my 3x a week to get some results?
does it make my poo funny and all other questions like that?
It causes flatulence.... What do you want to achieve? I am very sceptical about products like these. People I know that have taken creatine or whey protein haven't noticed any difference...

I guess only roids work.
one of my mates uses some form of protein shake. Don't know what kind but it works for him so he says.

You get different types depending what you want to achieve.
How can you be sceptical about protein? Are you sceptical about fat too?

It heals the fibres that are broken during weight lifting basically.

So you work out, it tears the fibres> Then you consume protein and it helps heal the fibres > the fibre's are then stronger than they were before. I.E more strength, bigger muscles.

It does work, it's fact, but it's no magic bean, it takes hard work and dedication.
leaving it a bit late for the 'muscle mary' figure aren't we?

are you having a spray tan too?....... you sure you are from the nw?
The point which many people miss with protein is it's only neccessary if your body is essentially needing more protein than your natural intake. So if you're gonna do it, go hard... or get fat. But there is no doubt it works, and has no negative side effects. Get on it.
basically your body needs protein to build muscle, a couple of shakes a day in between meals will feed the muscles which is needed to gain muscle, you should also train each body part once a week, about 3 sets of 4 differnt exsercies should do most body parts
Take creatine once a day, protein twice a day and go the gym and run as much as you can. You can make big changes in 12 weeks. Protein also fills you up so you eat less ****.

Best place to buy your stuff? www.myprotein.co.uk Use this code to get 15% : MP41216

Also check out www.bodyforlife.com if you want some great advce.
basically your body needs protein to build muscle, a couple of shakes a day in between meals will feed the muscles which is needed to gain muscle, you should also train each body part once a week, about 3 sets of 4 different exercises should do most body parts

Spot on. If you are trying to build muscle, you need to consume about 1 gram of protein for each lb of your body weight or 2.2 grams per kilo. This is difficult to achieve with out supplementation. That's where the whey comes in. Consider you'd have to eat 8 chicken breast or 50 egg whites or 32 whole large eggs to achieve that if you weighed 200 lbs or 90.5 kilos.

I'm no body builder or health expert, but I try to keep in shape. I usually have 2 shakes a day, one immediately when i wake up before breakfast and one immediately after a work out that contain 50g of protein isolate each.

More important then the whey is your diet. If you are not eating clean natural foods and lifting regularly, then don't waste your time with the whey. You'll just get fat from the added calories to your intake.
sounds like too much hard work to me,
drink lots of red wine, eat lots of good food, enjoy life to the max and worry about gym etc when retired and have balls all else to worry about !