Where is the thread?


Well-Known Member
"24 hours in Ibiza" or similar from a few years back?

Kid did a whistle stop visit, funnily enough for 24 hours.

cheers P
@kimajy ? Sounds like you...

I have done one or two 24 hour-ish trips to Ibiza but don't think I wrote about them on here (pre-Spotlight days !). There have been more 36-hour ones leaving 1st thing in the morning one day and returning late the following evening. Getting a tad grey for all that malarkey these days - it's nice to actually unpack a bag somewhere, even if it's only for a couple of nights !
That's a great review. I've got a 24 hour trip to Turin for Movement festival on 31st October. Not done a no hotel just smash and grab job before so interested to see how it pans out.