Where is everyone?


Well-Known Member
I know the forums get quiet during winter but this is unusually quiet!

I'm just back home in Dubai from work in Egypt, go to Melbourne Wed for a few days (to avoid christmas) then back for New Year...thought about going to Space at Sydeny but the line up didnt look that good...ending up going to Solomun at Blue Marlin Dubai...

What you up to?
I just put mine up. Now I'm going congratulate myself with a beer.

Well done! I got mine sorted in the end after almost giving up with the lights about 10 mins in! Was going to celebrate with a vodka, decided an early morning run today would be a better idea so held off. Got up this morning, pavements were far too icy for little miss accident prone here so didn't run.

Should have stuck with the vodka - it never lets you down :lol:
Don't have as much time to be active at the moment, promotion at work has kept me off the boards! :O