where else can i look?


New Member
Hiya im a twenty year old girl reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaalllllllllllly wanting to go to ibiza this summer but cant afford to go out and just look for one when im there, i need one to go to. ive spent hours on the internet, gone on every website but still no joy. has anyone got any ideas as am starting to give up but really want my summer out there.xxxxx
HOLSIE said:
Hiya im a twenty year old girl reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaalllllllllllly wanting to go to ibiza this summer but cant afford to go out and just look for one when im there, i need one to go to. ive spent hours on the internet, gone on every website but still no joy. has anyone got any ideas as am starting to give up but really want my summer out there.xxxxx

do you have any experience of working in Spain or do you speak Spanish or any other languages? if not then you will find it very hard/near impossible to find work there before you leave, unless you have any contacts ;)