where can i stay for only 2 NIGHTS


Active Member
i need a ROOM FOR 2 friends in san antonio...not the bay area...ideally near sunset area....but totally not bothered.

they are all min 4 nights that i have found.

any1 know anywhere they can book 2 nights online 5th and 6th august xx
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hotel gran sol cheap and cheerful but clean and nice location, or the 4*blau parc opposite is more expensive and lovely!!

both can be booked by the night on spotlight - i have stayed in both, few mins walk from sunset area on the new promenade!
dawncollins thought you could not go.see your selling the flights you had booked.and you was pregent,??????
i cant go!!

this topic is info for a mate.....i cant go..im pregnant. my friend is hopin 2 go out for her birthday wknd...and i thought id try and help her by gettin some info from here xx