where can i get a cake for 21st birthday San An


Active Member

we will be in san antonio bay for 2 weeks july, my daughter will be 21 when we are there and i need a cake! is there anywhere in the bay or town area i can get a birthday cake specially made to order....
thanks for any info
yup, any of the pastelerias will do that for you if you give them a day or two's notice. there's a cake/sweet sticky thing/chocolate and cream shop on almost every corner dispensing healthy snacks and breakfasts.

hi i was in ibiza for my 21st last year with family and my mam got me a cake from thecafe under the hotel mar amanits in the bay
hope this helps
hi i was in ibiza for my 21st last year with family and my mam got me a cake from thecafe under the hotel mar amanits in the bay
hope this helps

thanks very much i know that hotel well we stayed up the road in the klippee /sunshine apts.

cheers :p