When does the west end close for season?

Yeah it will still be going. Obviously not as busy as peak season but people tend to gather in the same few bars so you end up with a good enough crowd. I was there for a few drinks on 26th sept last year before enter closing and it was busy enough for a good ngt. Will be on ibiza 22nd to 26th again this year and will visit the west end at least one of those ngts before going to a club
Flag will be flying at 1/2 mast most places in San An by then, I'd put money on it ;). Great place to kip cheaply or drink with the workers but nothing like a 'normal' late July for example.
I've been a few times in September. It's more of a laid back in the west end. Always remember that place that's below ground zero at the bottom of the street being busy but never been in the highlander. Just follow the crowd. I'll be kicking round a couple of nights 16th to 23rd September thus year