What type of kitchen facilities are at the Jet Appartments?


New Member
For anyone who's been to the Jet, what type of kitchen (or kitchenette, as they call it) do the apartments have? I assume that there is a refridgerator, but can you cook or is it just some stools and a refrige?

Ummm... what's a hob? Is that like an electric burner? Ultimately you can't really cook, just store some basics, right?
berry said:
Ummm... what's a hob? Is that like an electric burner? Ultimately you can't really cook, just store some basics, right?

It's one of those things where you can put pans.

But that's as far as the cooking facilities go.
Could any of you party ladies bring the lakeland catalogue out with you when you come. I believe they have some very good gadgets on sale.


There is a basic electric cooker and a few pots and pans provided.

We didn't have a can opener so had to hack at the tops using a sharp knife - a bit dangerous with a few San Migs inside you.

Also, there was a fridge but the door wouldn't stay shut for us. We had to prop two chairs against the door to keep the cold in and the heat out !

The freezer compartment was just a block of ice so that was unusuable too.

Repeated complaints to the receptionists (who actually were really nice) were met with 'ahh , the maintenace man has just gone to look now, you must have passed him on the stairs' . . :lol:

Ahh well . .manyana !

HHaving said all that , the holiday / location was ace . . . the reason ? . .the obvious . . . 15 strides from DJ GEE :)