What to watch out for!


New Member
Hi, if there is already a thread up delete this one :). Just wondering what to watch out for while I'm there. I read a post before about looky looky men?
Big black african woman that grab you and try to tie a bit of string round your arm, then demand 10 euros for it!
the 'looky looky' men are harmless from my experience. Indeed they have proven themselves to be more reputable and friendly than some of the other characters you may find on the streets. If u wana buy some cheap sunglasses or a bag they are your man!

Prostitutes should you find any shoud be avoided as there are tales of shall we say 'hard sell' tactics

Ibiza is a tourist mecca so like any busy place there are associated crimes like pickpocketing etc so just use common sense as you might back home.

If your gona get into anything illegal then there are always associated pitfalls that have to be accepted , again its common sense

Do not mess with the guardia civil! (police)
So sorta like Thailand with the street sales . And yeah hookers will be avoided at all costs. Thanks for the heads up :) and yes of course respect the law! :)
It depends where you are but nothing was as full on as thailand as i remember it.

one thing , we met a guy from oz who'd come all the way over , hired a moped and on his 2nd day skidded out and gave himself a serious leg injury. He was on such strong pain killers it was hard for him to enjoy the rest of his trip plus he was on crutches etc so if your gona do it just take your time on the roads.
That said its great to have a means of getting round the island to explore without spending a fortune on taxis or waiting for buses so if you wana do that id recommend hiring a car. You can get to nicer beaches and to cheaper supermarkets too
Jez that's a bummer for him. What requirements do you know to hire a car. I'm 22 but wi be 23 then and have a full oz license
hmm it might be more expensive being uder 25 , someone else will know better than me. you should be fine to get a scooter just be carefull!
Avoid the quadbikes if possible theres been some tragic accidents this season i think
Big black african woman that grab you and try to tie a bit of string round your arm, then demand 10 euros for it!


i got cornered by one a few weeks ago as it sat on the beach In San Antonio the day after DC-10 closing party.... i was trying to sort my life out.. :lol::lol:

she wandered over, made a bit of small talk then put the green wristband string thing on me and i thought she was giving me it until she said "you have to give me money now"..

i told her i didn't have any and the green piece of string was swiftly removed.... :lol:

hmm it might be more expensive being uder 25 , someone else will know better than me. you should be fine to get a scooter just be carefull!
Avoid the quadbikes if possible theres been some tragic accidents this season i think

best thing i've ever done was rent a quad out but you just need to know how to handle them and watch your speed around other traffic/pedestrians... having said that, i did put one into a ditch back in May and had another one up to 117kph in a country road this month... but i always indicate when i'm turning so that's all right.. :rolleyes::lol:
look to your left when crossing the road,

dont buy drugs off people you dont know

dont ask for a refund

dont buy a prostitute a drink

dont leave your brain on the plane

have some manners and respect the local culture

never leave your drinks unattended

dont use an illegal taxi

try not to walk on balcony railings or dive into swimming pools when drunk

dont piss off the local police or tell the Guardia Civil to f*** Off
Crazy people munching magic pills, running around darkened rooms listening to repetitive electronic music. Kinda like pacman but reeeeal life. ;)
The African ladies seem to be confined to a small area at the beginning of the beach promenade, little bit up from Linekers, you can't miss them, they sit on the wall until some unsuspecting tourist grabs their eye.

I've even seen them try and stop joggers. To avoid them, just walk along the beach instead.
Oh well if i get bailled up by them i'll deal with them how we deal with street sellers in oz! :p haha alot of cursing! and tell em where to go haha