what to do with our luggage??


New Member
Hi all,

we are arriving in ibiza on the 10th of sept at 10pm, and have a room booked for the 11th, midday. We want to go straight to pacha or el divino (after buying tickets in ibiza town. Question is: what do we do with the luggage. The reception at our hotel is not open, and I have read on the board that someone had their luggage stolen from their car, so.....Any lockers at the airport? Any other suggestions?

Any help is greatly appreciated!!!
last year...we arrived at midnight...got changed in the airport toilets(classy) 8) ...and then straight to Base bar for a few drinks and onto Pasha with all our luggage in tow....stayed till 7a.m. and luckerly our hotel let us check-in....put the bags in the room and then straight out to Space....for a lovely breakfast of Vodka and red bull...!!
yes...well...changing at the airport...I and not looking forward to that, but....after I will be at a club, so who cares, I will be partying away...but the luggage is an issue still...if there are no lockers at the airport, they will just have to stay in the car :( but I don't plan to miss a night in ibiza just to babysit my bags.
if you put your luggage in the trunk it shouldn't be an issue as no one will spot it, correct?
ahhh...well...that would be true if there weren't 2 girls in the party bringing ALL their summer clothes, and if we didn't rent the smallest car imaginable..so we will see :). we still have concerns whether the luggage will FIT in the car with the three of us ;) but...lockers at the airport would really be a godsend
djminal said:
last year...we arrived at midnight...got changed in the airport toilets(classy) 8) ...and then straight to Base bar for a few drinks and onto Pasha with all our luggage in tow....stayed till 7a.m. and luckerly our hotel let us check-in....put the bags in the room and then straight out to Space....for a lovely breakfast of Vodka and red bull...!!

How big were your bags that you checked. my friends and i get in at 1 am on the 9th and want to go straight to the clubs so we don't get back from the house at 3 and have the lines...
there are no lockers at the airport.

21st century security issues are to blame. wouldn't it be easier to book a hotel from the day you arrive?
there are no lockers at the airport.

21st century security issues are to blame. wouldn't it be easier to book a hotel from the day you arrive?

the hotel is 2 weeks, saturday the 11th to saturday the 25th. But I did not want to miss a day in Ibiza, so I did not want to fly out of London on the saturday.

So it seems that the car is it. Although I could take the luggage to the club ;)
huxley4ever said:
we are arriving in ibiza on the 9th of sept at 10pm, and have a room booked for the 10th, midday

Who's organised your trip?

9th 10th 11th......I'd check your dates if I were you! :?:
ok, let me get this straight... you arrive on the 10th at 10pm and your
hotel is booked from the 11th, right?

well, like it was already suggested, change at the airport and go to a club, leave the luggage in the car and park close to the entrance next to a lamp. this way, chances of the car getting broken into are smaller.
Is it not worth seeing if there is a really cheap hotel available just for the one night?? At least that way you can get washed and changed before you go out!
Is it not worth seeing if there is a really cheap hotel available just for the one night?? At least that way you can get washed and changed before you go out!

We are trying to save as much money as possible. And that expense...well....just for my bags to have a place to sleep....that could be spent on an entrance to a club...you know that I mean...
sorry about the misunderstanding about the dates. I keep thinking the 9th, bc that is when we leave toronto. But with the change in timezones, we will be there on the 10th. I apologize for the confusion.....
Sticky Licky said:
Is it not worth seeing if there is a really cheap hotel available just for the one night?? At least that way you can get washed and changed before you go out!

We did this last year - booked the Grand Sol for one night (didnt get in til after midnight) dumped the bags, showered and straight out - cost about €45 between us for the room...... booked it through this board as well!!) Surely its worth the extra dosh to know your luggage/passports/money is safe???
We did this last year - booked the Grand Sol for one night (didnt get in til after midnight) dumped the bags, showered and straight out - cost about €45 between us for the room...... booked it through this board as well!!) Surely its worth the extra dosh to know your luggage/passports/money is safe???

thanks for the suggestion...I appreciate it...had this impression that the rooms were way over 100 EU
let me get this straight you arrive on the 10th at 10 leaving your luggage in the car going to eldivino or pacha parking next to a lamp hmmmm....

whats the color of your car again????? :twisted: :twisted:

:P :P :P

if i were you i'll go to another hotel that has a reception open and ask them if they can hold'em for you ....suggestions??? the jet are really friendly. just dump'em there and head for your party.
here's a little story from today's el diario

Un grupo de seis turistas catalanas decidió ayer, poco antes de ir al aeropuerto para regresar de sus vacaciones, ir a darse un último baño a Punta Galera. Dejaron las maletas en el coche y cuando volvieron al vehículo, unos ladrones les habían roto los cristales y se habían llevado todas sus pertenencias, incluidos los billetes de vuelta y la documentación. Redacción

somebody left their bags in the car and when they returned to it everything had been stolen.

wouldn't it be easier just to book your hotel for the day you arrive?
I can't imagine anything worse happening on day 1 of your holiday. Don't leave anything in the car, take the steering wheel too.
gecko2 said:
I can't imagine anything worse happening on day 1 of your holiday. Don't leave anything in the car, take the steering wheel too.

hmmmm, the steering wheel, that would be an interesting prop for in club fun ;)

Btw, thank you guys so much for the advise...I appreciate it!!!