What time does Carl Cox/Music Is Revolution normally finish...?

Connor Elias

New Member
Yes I'm preparing to book already. I can't get this f****** country out of my head.

So here's the scenario... As well as my planned week in July/August next year, I'm planning on flying out Monday 19th of September for the Music Is Revolution closing on Tuesday... Basically my options are to either catch a flight with the same airline on Wednesday morning, which departs at 10.35 am, or 11 PM Wednesday night with a different airline (which might not even be possible as a one-way going by the website...)

When I attended in August, I think it was finished by about 7 AM... Which is obviously plenty of time

Seeing as it's not only the closing party, but THE final closing party, based on your experiences what are the chances of Cox going far beyond that...? With just hand luggage I should have to get to the airport by no later than 10 am right? So is it worth risking and booking the 10.35 am flight? (If Cox's still on while my flight is taking off, I will not be on that flight)
forget that 10:35am flight, the big man will most probably finish about 30mins before that.
Ahh fair enough, praying I can sort out that other flight otherwise I doubt I'll be able to go, which would suck big time!
