What should I do??


New Member
Hi this is my first post on the forum, although I have read throug a good bit of the topics :)

I am 17, and currently still at school (partially because I don't want to become part of the ****ty ratrace, and because even if I did, I don't have a clue what I'd want to do). I really cannot be arsed staying here (UK, scotland to be precise :p), getting a job, blah blah. I'm an absolute club head, have been for quite a while (probably due to the fact that I look like i'm in my mid 20s haha!) I had planned to go over to Malia to work the summer, but I am also considering Ibiza, etc aswell.

The thing is, I'd like to get over and start working/partying as soon as possible after exam time, say early June. HOWEVER, as I don't have a part time job anymore, I am absolutely skint. (The Maccy D's application form does look very tempting btw!) My 18th is on the 4th July, when I'd be likely to get enough money to get over and start.

What do you guys/gals suggest I do? Will there still be enough work/accommodation in early July?

Any help/advice/abuse etc is welcome :D
Thanks for your answers!
Sorry didn't see this post.

first off - 17 is young! Are your parents/guardians aware of your plans?

I've been to both places and Malia is poo by the way.
There are always jobs mate, not neccessarily good ones, but bearing in mind you will probably have to work in the westend at that time!!
Ok dude, thanks alot for the help :) I'll make an attempt at borrowing money and trying to get out early June if poss.
you could allways just go next summer? not that long away. least u will have plenty of time to save and can make sure u have plenty to go out with and enjoy urself without worrying about moneys x