What is the Best Night in Ibiza?


New Member
In order to better plan my holiday, I am wondering which night of the week is the best on the island? So that I can set up our trip to end on that night so we go out with a bang...
Please provide reasons as to why you think which nights are the best
I'm a broken record but without a doubt Monday.

Circo Loco kicks off at DC-10 at 4.30pm, when it concludes (circa 2.00am) head off to Cocoon at Amnesia, which will probably finish some time between 6am and 10am in June. Unless it's the opening, which could go on longer.

+ even if that's not your thing, Monday night is also Swedish House Mafia at Pacha + Tiesto at Privilege. I'd strongly encourage you to avoid both of these but it's entirely your call :)
In order to better plan my holiday, I am wondering which night of the week is the best on the island? So that I can set up our trip to end on that night so we go out with a bang...
Please provide reasons as to why you think which nights are the best

Every last night I've ever had I've spent curled in a ball too frightened to try to go to sleep but so wishing I could, other than last year when my poor desperate limbs kept moving to the beat until the second I left for the airport - from the neck up I was pretty much catatonic. I would never in a million years plan my holiday in order that I have the best night on the last night. In a place like Ibiza, for me, the best night should be done asap before the 'old hag syndrome' kicks in (if you don't know what that is google it).
Every last night I've ever had I've spent curled in a ball too frightened to try to go to sleep but so wishing I could, other than last year when my poor desperate limbs kept moving to the beat until the second I left for the airport - from the neck up I was pretty much catatonic. I would never in a million years plan my holiday in order that I have the best night on the last night. In a place like Ibiza, for me, the best night should be done asap before the 'old hag syndrome' kicks in (if you don't know what that is google it).

sleep paralysis is actually good fun after the first 3 or 4 nights of absolute sheer terror, once you get a grip of it
We always have a few chilled days towards the end of the holiday to avoid feeling terrible when we get home. It is a holiday after all...