What is San Antonio in mid /late October like?


Active Member
What is San Antonio in mid / late October like?

Is all of Sunset strip closed?

Is the west end empty / closed.

Is it warm enough to go sunbathing / swimming in the sea?

Are there still tourists around?

What about all the lookie lookie men?
- quiet
- no (cafe del mar closed yesterday -in the past it used to close the 1st of nov-, mint is still open and golden buddha remains open all year round)
- no
- yes
- yes
- gone
Bit of a strange ambition, but its an ambition anyway of mine to visit Ibiza out of season, and just stroll around San Antonio and PDB and to see it deserted, maybe as I get older I wont care so much whether the clubs are open or not, and I will do a winter trip. I think then, I would really get to explore the island, rather than the draw of partying taking over!
Bit of a strange ambition, but its an ambition anyway of mine to visit Ibiza out of season, and just stroll around San Antonio and PDB and to see it deserted, maybe as I get older I wont care so much whether the clubs are open or not, and I will do a winter trip. I think then, I would really get to explore the island, rather than the draw of partying taking over!

Have a read of some reviews from the Ibiza Cool Season forum page to get an idea of what people think of the island out of season. The verdict is unanimous :) We stayed in the San Francisco apartments (San An) in Feb 2011. Was a magical holiday, possibly one of the best ever visits to Ibiza, but I probably say that about all of them!
Why was it the best ever? Are you a clubber/party person or just like chilled out holidays anyway?

Also, I'm quite interested to know where all the looky looky go out of season lol!
Why was it the best ever? Are you a clubber/party person or just like chilled out holidays anyway?

Also, I'm quite interested to know where all the looky looky go out of season lol!

I have done my share of parties in the past and still partake now and again even though I should know better at my age. Not sure why it felt so special, possibly because it was our first visit out of season, the children were perfect ages to enjoy the holiday, we had some terrific weather through the day, fabulous meals, we partook in the tapas trail, everything was perfect about the trip.
I visited Ibiza from October 5th - 12th this year and could easily have stayed another week. The weather was generally glorious with a few spots of rain but nothing that lasted all day. We caught the end of the closing parties, but then had the rest of the time to hire a car, drive round the island and enjoy some fantastic meals.

We asked in a couple of bars / restaurants when they closed... the majority of them all said early / mid November.
Is it warm enough to go sunbathing / swimming in the sea?

Hot Stuff!

This month has been the warmest and driest since 2001, with temperatures an average of 2.5º higher than the norm, at 26.8º. Six nights this month were classified as "tropical" when the mercury did not drop below 20º, similar to a normal month of July. The highest temperatures recorded were on the 2nd in Sant Joan, where the thermometer reached 32.6º and the 16th, when 30.4º was registered at the Airport. The very first day of the month broke all records, when the mean temperature during the twenty-four hours was 24º, higher than the previous records which were set in 1986 and 2001. So far the skies have refused to open with the downpours usually experienced at this time of the year, with one exception being a flash storm in Santa Eulalia on the 6th, where 28.5 litres per square metre fell in a very short space of time. In fact it has rained 80 percent less than during the average month of October. Things can only change for the better in November, but that really depends on your point of view!
