What happens in Kavos.....


Well-Known Member
Can't believe there isn't a thread on this yet, Oh Em Gee what the fuuuuk I turned thinking it can't be that bad it will be like watching the west end in full flow.......
After seeing what really does go off, and in fairness I know the camera makes it look the way they want it to but bloody hell it makes the west end look tame in my opinion. Sure there are elements of the west end "crowd" but honestly don't think I can say I have ever witnessed such stupidity and gross chav like behaviour in Ibiza. Maybe I have been lucky :lol: Or maybe, after all our moaning(mine included) about the west end, it really does serve it's purpose and really makes me appreciate Ibiza even more for its ability to keep this disgusting element of society away from its shores. It's like Ibiza has a slightly higher class of dick heads :spank:
Is this some TV series? I've spent a couple of nights in Shagaluf and I'd say that out does the west end of San An...
OMG that programme is shocking, no other words for it! I love to have fun and do silly things but these kids are just mental. Im only 25 and feel like their parents shouting at the screen in discust lol
Watched this and I totally agree, im only 23 and I feel old compared to them! I've done some stupid stuff in my time but those lot are something out, literally like animals!! The west end even at its worst doesn't come close!
That's basically what people expect/want from their first ''lads/lasses'' holiday. Why I'm glad I stayed away from the West End when out there, full of these sorts.