What Happened at the Weekend?


Active Member
I went to Cork, well took Mrs Undercover to Cork for her birthday.

And very very nice it was. Lovely city, some interesting architecture, nice university grounds, a river, nice people (well those I met). And a sh1t load of pubs. Unbelievable amount. Best one was the mutton lane in, cosy, candles, booze everything I want.

Went to Kinsale yesterday, pretty much as above, however in small village by the sea like form. Great fish and chips.

Also, door to door was tops - walked into Cork airport at 7.45 & was sat on the couch in Manchester by 10.45 watching match of the day.

Also, listening to new massive attack album. top top tunes.

went out clubbing for the first time in ages
Karbon in Glasgow - good music, good friends - then i had to babysit the other 2 reprobates that i was with as they were steaming drunk - eventually got to bed at 4:45


up at 10 - straight to the footie to see Super Mo Edu score a lovely last second winner to almost clinch the title - then onto the pub for the party!
Friday - stayed in because...

Saturday - Work.. well, work and quietly watching football in my office at work :lol: Later, went to B1 Maximum for the Crystal Method (was billed as live but was just a DJ set :evil:) then over to Solyanka for Luke Vb & co.

Sunday - Laid around the house. Watched football. Made the missus one of her favorite dishes for dinner.
this weekend I went to Glasgow and had a good time.


being sat (one has no choice) next to some intense 18 year old army cadet speed freak from Darlington

you're from London that's posh-like they have fast cars like and women I heard there's loads of women I like women me my bird said I can't go to afghan aye so I chucked her cos I cannot wait to go out to Afghan there there see I shot men before poachers poaching birds from my friend who's a gamekeeper so I know how to shoot a man in season or out of season that there that's an island and that's where the railway track meets the sea and I come here a lot ah look we're pulling in to the station looks like there's lots of women on the platform I like women look at her me nan says I can take birds back but must shut the door me mam weren't too happy this train's fast where you just come from then

etc (for 2 hours. TWO F***ING HOURS)

+ Virgin Pendolinos are overrated imo. Even in first class, there's nowhere to put your legs... (for 5 hours)
this weekend I went to Glasgow and had a good time.


being sat (one has no choice) next to some intense 18 year old army cadet speed freak from Darlington

you're from London that's posh-like they have fast cars like and women I heard there's loads of women I like women me my bird said I can't go to afghan aye so I chucked her cos I cannot wait to go out to Afghan there there see I shot men before poachers poaching birds from my friend who's a gamekeeper so I know how to shoot a man in season or out of season that there that's an island and that's where the railway track meets the sea and I come here a lot ah look we're pulling in to the station looks like there's lots of women on the platform I like women look at her me nan says I can take birds back but must shut the door me mam weren't too happy this train's fast where you just come from then

etc (for 2 hours. TWO F***ING HOURS)

+ Virgin Pendolinos are overrated imo. Even in first class, there's nowhere to put your legs... (for 5 hours)

Haha I have had several identical experiences when passing through Darlington on the train. All the young army lads from catterick garrison. Full of hell and cans of Stella.

Friday went shopping after work, very disappointing. Saturday went out for lunch with some friends, Saturday night stayed in, watched the usual Saturday night TV on ITV! Then Sunday the weather was appalling where we are - constant rain and wind and even thunder it sounded like at one point so on the sofa for most of the day!

This saving money to buy a property lark is slowly draining me..................:eek:
Friday... Gramaphone on Commercial Street. Ok... ish... the reggae MC was highly amusing.

Sat... Eng v Ire rugby @ Twickenham. Smashed. :oops:

Sun... went for a "quick afternoon pint". Fell through the front door circa 1a.m. via the local Japanese. :oops:
Sat - was in a foul mood for some reason - very unlike me as I had a 3 day weekend planned - so went out by myself for the day to get my head out of its funk.

Sat night - cooked a meal and did sweet FA

Sun - papers and reading and spray painting lamps and curtain poles - getting hight on spray paint - felt like a right proper little charver... :oops:

Sun night - closing party of one of the better bars in Newcastle - f***ing typical - great summer bar too - anyway I digress it was b-2-b rezzie DJ's from the past 20 years all late afternoon / night so absolutely battered by midnight and vaguely remember the bar being used as a podium and consoling my mate and having to have the office door kicked down by security as she was so battered she had lost the master key for the venue and had to cash up.... :oops: never stopped dancing and oh my! I am feeling it today.. Got home and decided to watch the Canada c USA Ice Hockey final - that was interesting with only one eye to focus with....

Mon - lie in then shopping in the afternoon then cooked a lovely meal again....

weird start to the weekend but it picked up 8)
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Sat - was in a foul mood for some reason - very unlike me as I had a 3 day weekend planned - so went out by myself for the day to get my head out of its funk.

Sat night - cooked a meal and did sweet FA

Sun - papers and reading and spray painting lamps and curtain poles - getting hight on spray paint - felt like a right proper little charver... :oops:

Sun night - closing party of one of the better bars in Newcastle - f***ing typical - great summer bar too - anyway I digress it was b-2-b rezzie DJ's from the past 20 years all late afternoon / night so absolutely battered by midnight and vaguely remember the bar being used as a podium and consoling my mate and having to have the office door kicked down by security as she was so battered she had lost the master key for the venue and had to cash up.... :oops: never stopped dancing and oh my! I am feeling it today.. Got home and decided to watch the Canada c USA Ice Hockey final - that was interesting with only one eye to focus with....

Mon - lie in then shopping in the afternoon then cooked a lovely meal again....

weird start to the weekend but it picked up 8)

Check your gmail!
Friday quiet night in with the rest of the crew.

Saturday - entertained the kids. Evening time went to Matter for the missus birthday which was ok, half empty though. Musically very good though. First proper night out of the year and decent drink so eventually fell by wayside and left early doors!:oops:

Sunday - bed, football, bed, football, sofa, bed, ice hockey, bed, and in amongst that food and coke.
Friday - Went down to the local to watch the Wales France rugby game.

Saturday:lol::lol::lol: Watched Ireland beat England in Twickenham :lol::lol::lol: SWEET!

Happy to watch hopefully the end of Martin Johnson ( England will thank Ireland for that in time)

Working Saturday night.

Sunday- Chill out all day. Didnt even have to cook dinner as we had the M&S dine in offer. Just bang it all in the oven for 30mins 2 courses with a bottle of wine for a Tenner!
Friday - Went down to the local to watch the Wales France rugby game.

Saturday:lol::lol::lol: Watched Ireland beat England in Twickenham :lol::lol::lol: SWEET!

Happy to watch hopefully the end of Martin Johnson ( England will thank Ireland for that in time)

Working Saturday night.

Sunday- Chill out all day. Didnt even have to cook dinner as we had the M&S dine in offer. Just bang it all in the oven for 30mins 2 courses with a bottle of wine for a Tenner!

We need to start a 'The Rugby' thread! Agree on Jonno completely. What were they thinking? No coaching experience...madness. Kick it against Italy, run it against Ireland. The tactics of a mad man.
We need to start a 'The Rugby' thread! Agree on Jonno completely. What were they thinking? No coaching experience...madness. Kick it against Italy, run it against Ireland. The tactics of a mad man.

He will have to go at the end of the season. Great Captain but poor coach. World Cup is not too far away now so England need a new man in place.

Sunday- Chill out all day. Didnt even have to cook dinner as we had the M&S dine in offer. Just bang it all in the oven for 30mins 2 courses with a bottle of wine for a Tenner!

more of a chilled wine man myself, but hey ho, at least you can take it back to m&s if you don't like it after you drunk it.
Saturday:lol::lol::lol: Watched Ireland beat England in Twickenham :lol::lol::lol: SWEET!

Huge number of Irish fans in the ground.

The Garryowen pub was rammed post match... ceili band, people dancing on tables, falling down stairs, bouncing off the ceiling etc. Was a great laugh...