What do you wear to go clubbing in Ibiza?


New Member
This is particularly directed at the ladies. I know what I wear to go out here in the US, but what's popular in Ibiza? Any tips on shoes?
well, for almost all clubs, there is no dress code, anything goes, and by anything, they mean anything, lol. some, i think pacha is one, is something along lines of dress to impress, or nice, dunno.
Huehnerdiebin said:
I am a woman and I can tell you : PUT FLOWERS IN YOU HAIR :D :D :D
Flowers? Now that's interesting... do they work as a good conversation-starter with random people? :lol:
matrixkitty said:
This is particularly directed at the ladies. I know what I wear to go out here in the US, but what's popular in Ibiza? Any tips on shoes?

Anything goes in Ibiza, me personally I tend to wear little skirt and top or dress and always flip-flops or similar flat shoes on my feet.

You could be dancing for 12+ hours in hot club so dress for comfort.
Morbyd said:
Flowers? Now that's interesting... do they work as a good conversation-starter with random people? :lol:

Morbyd, if I ever meet you on Ibiza I will put flowers in your hair too

You will love it :lol: :lol: :lol:
wear whatever you feel comfortable with...

dress to impress or casual cloths.... everything goes in ibiza!
dress like this (please)

I always wear a top and a skirt.. I think I wore the same shoes every day last year, sandals with a heel. Main reason I don't like flat shoes is that I'm short, so I like the extra height.. you need to find shoes that you can dance in for 10 hours though
Oh, I love my 7 cm - Highheels too. I am 1,73 m tall and with them on my feets I am 1,81 tall. So I can see the good looking men at long range first 8) 8) 8) but don`t asked me how I feel after one night dancing ....
Huehnerdiebin said:
Oh, I love my 7 cm - Highheels too. I am 1,73 m tall and with them on my feets I am 1,81 tall. So I can see the good looking men at long range first 8) 8) 8) but don`t asked me how I feel after one night dancing ....

Highheels... mmh :arrow:
Thanks for the replies, folks. It's such a challenge to find comfortable shoes that look good with a sexy little outfit, but I'll try.

July seems so far away, I can't wait....