what decade are we in?


No longer active
the teenies?

the twenteens?

the still noughties?

the late noughties?

the very noughties?

any ideas?

I'll compile a list of suggestions and send it to the BBC
Got ages until 'The Best Of The ______ies' with talking heads from a craggy Simon Cowell et al Ollster! Worry about it then!
i had the same brain numbing thought last week - and I asked someone and they said it was the "teenies" :spank: which clearly its not cos 11 isnt in the teens, nor is 12 so its another 2 years till we get that official label...
What did they call 1911?

Iv asked people and Iv heard "Tweenies"and the "2000's"
wouldn't it technically be the same decade as last year???
Not exactly. It goes 1-10, not 0-9 (as there was no year 0)

That's why the "Millennium" was actually being celebrated a year early when everyone made such a fuss in 2000. 2001 was technically more correct.
the Tens, Teenies sounds like some crap kid's cartoon show.